求超赞乐队演绎的rolling in the deep&someone like you 的歌词!!


第1个回答  2013-12-10
We could have had it all/我们本可以幸福美满
rolling in the deep/心潮涌动
you had my heart inside of your hand/你将我的真心玩弄于鼓掌中
and you played it to the beat/你却装作若无其事,甚至得寸进尺
there's a fire starting in my heart/有那么一团火焰在我心中涌动
reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark/达到炽热的温度并指引我走出黑暗
finally.i can see you crystal clear/终于,我彻底地看清了你
go ahead and sell me out and i'll lay your ship bare/尽情出卖我吧,我会让你原形毕露
see how i leave.with every piece of you/看我如何带走你生命中的点点滴滴
don't underestimate the things that i will do/不要低估我将来的所作所为
the scars of your love.remind me of us/你那爱情的伤疤,使我回首往昔
they keep me thinking that we almost had it all/时刻让我怀念着我们那美好的过去
the scars of your love.they leave me breathless/你那爱情的伤疤,使我无法呼吸
i can't help feeling……/使我不禁感到
we could have had it all/我们本可以幸福美满
rolling in the deep/心潮涌动
you had my heart inside of your hand/你将我的真心玩弄于鼓掌中
and you played it to the beat/却装作若无其事,甚至得寸进尺
(yeah)nevermind.i'll find someone like you/不过别担心,我会找到一个像你的他
i wish nothing but the best.for you too/对于你们俩,我也会送上真挚的祝福
don't forget me.i beg.i remember you said/但是我求你,求你别忘记我,我还记得你说过
sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instsad/有时候爱情能成为甜蜜的永恒,有时候却又是痛苦的伤痕
sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instsad/有时候爱情能成为甜蜜的永恒,有时候却又是痛苦的伤痕
i can't keep up with your turning tables/我再也无法忍受你的自以为是
under your thumb i can't breathe/在你的压迫之下,我无法喘息
so.i won't let you close enough to hurt me/我绝不会让你,有靠近我伤害我的机会
no.i won't ask you.you to just desert me/我绝不会再与你言语,是你抛弃了我
i can't give you what you think you gave me/你以为你给我了一切,我无以回报
it's time to say goodbye to turning tables/是时候,与你的自以为是诀别
there's a fire starting in my heart/有那么一团火焰在我心中涌动
we could have had it all/我们本可以幸福美满
rolling in the deep/心潮涌动
you had my heart inside of your hand/你将我的真心玩弄于鼓掌中
and you played it to the beat/却装作若无其事,甚至得寸进尺

we could have had it all/我们本可以幸福美满
rolling in the deep/心潮涌动
伴唱(nevermind.i'll find someone like you)
you had my heart inside of your hand/你将我的真心玩弄于鼓掌中
and you played it to the beat/却装作若无其事,甚至得寸进尺
伴唱(i wish nothing but the best.for you too
so.i won't let you close enough to hurt me)

we could have had it all/我们本可以幸福美满
rolling in the deep/心潮涌动
伴唱(no.i won't ask you.you to just desert me.
don't forget me.i beg.i remember you said)
you had my heart inside of your hand/你将我的真心玩弄于鼓掌中
and you played it to the beat/却装作若无其事,甚至得寸进尺
伴唱(i can't give you what you think you gave me
sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instsad)

sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instsad/有时候爱情能成为甜蜜的永恒,有时候却又是痛苦的伤痕
it's time to say goodbye to turning tables/是时候,与你的自以为是诀别
to turning tables/就此诀别