

第1个回答  2013-12-28
In high school, to meet many people, many things. This ordinary but again happy life let me know a person, it is you, let me know what is love, let me know the value, although there are a lot of unpleasant, but when you give is I want... Maybe then we cannot be together, but I also want to cherish this hard-won a memory 【哈哈,我英语水平也一般,这是有道词典翻译的,哈哈,我总用这个大多数都不会出现什么问题。哈哈,我可不是做广告的,就是下回不用上网找人帮你翻译啦,用这个老师改改,自己改改就行啦。怎么都感觉你写的这一段话不像作文,好像要对谁说什么似地。哈哈。】
第2个回答  2013-12-28
When I get into high school, I have met many people and there happened a lot .The common but happy life make me know you. It is you who let me understand what love it is, which make me understand treasure.Athough we had unpleasure times,what you give is what I want to get.Maybe, we couldn't get together,but I also want to cherish the hardly-won memory .