
通过五年的学习和实践,我从心理和能力等方面做好了走上工作岗位的充分准备,我诚挚地希望能成为贵院医疗科研队伍中的一员, 我将以高尚的医德、热情的服务,倾我所能,不断学习,为贵院的医疗发展事业贡献一份力量,实现救死扶伤,恪尽职守,一生济世的夙愿。

第1个回答  2012-03-13
After five years of study and practice, I am fully prepared to work with regard to both my mind and my capabilities. I sincerely hope to be one of the medical team of your hospital. Doing my best to perform my duty as I continue to enrich my professional knowledge, I will offer my patients the warmest medical service with the highest standard of medical ethics, so that I can contribute my part to further development of your hospital, letting my dream--curing and saving people all my life---come true.
第2个回答  2012-03-13
I have studied and practiced professional skills for five years , I wil be good ready for working it with the mental and the ability, I sincerely hope to be a member of your school in the medical research , I will poure out what I can and study hard continuously to contribute my strength for the medical career development of your school with my noble medical ethics and enthusiastic services, So that it can save a lot of lives and fulfill my duties, and it can complite my wishes for saving lives in the world .
第3个回答  2012-03-13
Through five years' study and practice, I've been fully prepared for the job in the aspect of mind and ability. I sincerely hope to be one of your medical science research team. By my noble medical ethics and hospitalble service, I will make my due contribution to the medical development of your hospital and realize the long cherished wish of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying, scrupulously abiding by the duty and saving the world by all my life.
第4个回答  2012-03-13
through 5years practice and learn,i am ready for my job with profational skill and vocational mental qualities.i am hopefully want be a participiate of your medical team, i will pay my all enthusiasm and prof ethic try my best to server for my patients.i will keep on learnning all my life and make it possible to do contribution to your hospital.本回答被提问者采纳