

第1个回答  2016-01-03
Dining culture
Between China and Thailand
Understand countries diet culture of our communication, business activities all have important role.

Let’s all together understanding the differences of dining culture between China and Thailand.
What to eat
Chinese staple food for the rice and wheat .Breakfast : usually eat congee, noodles, bread, etc .Lunch and Dinner :eat rice or noodles.
The common cooking methods: Boiled (煮)、Steamed(蒸)、Burn(烧)、Stewing(炖)、Decoct(煎)、Fry(炒)、Stewed (烩) etc.
The Chinese people are very notice food nutrition health. Rice is staple food, and vegetables is for orders, it namely help rice swallow. advocates nutrition reasonable collocation, balanced diet nutrition health seriously .

Thais live on rice as staple food, fusi is fish and vegetables .Breakfast:eat western-style food, such as baking bread, butter, conserve, coffee, milk, fried egg .Lunch and Dinner :is pleased with Chinese food, such as China‘s sichuan cuisine(川菜) and cantonese cuisine(粤菜) .
Thai people love to eat spicy dish, do not eat beef and don‘t like soy sauce, not love to eat to braise in soy sauce(红烧的) and sugar dishes. Especially like to drink beer, coffee and black tea, like match with small cakes and dry snacks, meal eat apples, pears have habit, but not to eat bananas.
Thai people love to eat spicy dish, do not eat beef and don‘t like soy sauce, not love to eat to braise in soy sauce(红烧的) and sugar dishes. Especially like to drink beer, coffee and black tea, like match with small cakes and dry snacks, meal eat apples, pears have habit, but not to eat bananas.
Thai people meals, can use the napkin pave on his knee. Can wipe my mouth with the napkin, but can't wipe tableware. Your body have to sit up when you having a dinner, don't put your arms acrossed on the table. Thai people most use a spoon and a fork to have meals, you should with a fork in your left hand,and right hand with a spoon in your right hand .
Thai people meals, can use the napkin pave on his knee. Can wipe my mouth with the napkin, but can't wipe tableware. Your body have to sit up when you having a dinner, don't put your arms acrossed on the table. Thai people most use a spoon and a fork to have meals, you should with a fork in your left hand,and right hand with a spoon in your right hand .
Thai people meals, can use the napkin pave on his knee. Can wipe my mouth with the napkin, but can't wipe tableware. Your body have to sit up when you having a dinner, don't put your arms acrossed on the table. Thai people most use a spoon and a fork to have meals, you should with a fork in your left hand,and right hand with a spoon in your right hand .