励志英文歌曲We Can't Stop《青春不停歇》


第1个回答  2022-07-03

励志英文歌曲推荐We Can't Stop《青春不停歇》

  "It’s our party we can do what we want .It’s our party we can say what we want .It’s our party we can love who we want,We can kiss who we want ,We can screw who we want"这是我们的聚会,我们可以做我们想做的,畅所欲言,爱我所爱。

  这是Miley Cyrus的成人宣言,也是年轻的你我所想向世界所宣告的誓言。

  从前习惯于“听话”的`我们还没有完全走出对父母的依赖,有时候甚至不敢按照自己的意愿处理自己所遭遇的一切,那时候我们缺乏主见,一味顺从。今天,我们像麦莉一样,长大成人,我们需要break the rules,我们需要尊重自己内心所指的方向,follow our hearts.

  做自己想做的事,去自己想去的地方,爱自己所爱的人,成就自己最想成就的那个自己。这是年轻的我们拥有的权利,没人可以剥夺。因为“This is our house,this is our rules.”

  “Can't you see it' we who own the night.Can't you see it's we who about that life”一个年轻的生命的主宰者只能是我们自己。不要在意haters的存在,Remember only God can judge us .Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya.

  It’s our party we can do what we want to.

  It’s our house we can love who we want to.

  It’s our song we can sing we if we want to.

  It’s my mouth I can say what I want to.


  We can't stop and we won't stop.

