

第1个回答  2011-03-07
1. Introduction

The tourism industry has become a crucial component of national economic development worldwide. Tourism brings in foreign exchange and 代写留学生论文realization of oneness of humanity has made global travel an ‘everyday’ affair. Governments have sought a way to entice tourists from every country far and wide. Even countries that are war-torn and / or with civil strife or with dictatorships like Iraq, Israel, North Korea still have advertisements attracting visitors. Tourism is now an important ingredient of the Gross National Product (GNP) of many countries. Hall (2008, p. 27) pointed out that tourism is clearly link up with processes of environmental, economic and social change.

The recent spate of demonstration in Bangkok shows how the economy is affected when tourists stop arriving. Also, the Iceland volcanic ash clouds affected Britain’s tourism industry and billions of losses to the airline industry. Tourists traveling from place to place form the bulk of the air traffic. Hence environmental, political and economic planning is in promoting the tourism industry. Henderson (2005) has the following to say about tourism evaluation:

Tourism planning has been the subject of much research, but tourism is also affected by other forms of physical, economic and social planning and the ideologies which underlie them. These shape the circumstances at destinations and have consequences for the operation of the tourism industry and tourist experiences. Planning exercises which affect natural and cultural heritage are of special relevance, in view of the important role of these resources as visitor attractions. Singapore is an interesting case of a city state which is intensively planned and illustrates how authorities actively seek to organise and present nature and culture, according to preconceptions of their idealised conditions, impelled by a combination of values and motives. The resultant public spaces available to residents and tourists possess distinctive qualities.

Every country in the region is upping their efforts to woo the tourist dollar. It is noted that tourists barely stays more than three to five days. This has been a bugbear for Singapore Tourism Board (STB).

2. Literature Review

2.1 Planning and Tourism
2.2 Strategic Planning for Tourism in Singapore

3. Methodology

3.1 Instrument
3.2 Results of study
4.2 The East Coast Park 2005 Concept Plan
4.3 SWOT analysis and Discussion

Books & Journals

Burns, P. 1999, Paradoxes in Planning: Tourism elitism or brutalism? Annals of Tourism Research 26 (2), 329-48.

Chang, T.C. 1998, “Regionalism and tourism: exploring integral links in Singapore”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 39 (1), 73-94.

Chang, T.C. & Yeoh, B.S.A. (1999) “New Asia-Singapore: communication local cultures through global tourism”, Geoforum, 30, 101-105.

ERC 2002, Economic Review Committee: Sub Committee on Service Industries. Report on Tourism Working Group.

Gunn, C. A. & Var, T. 2002, Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases, 4 edn, Routledge, London EC4P 4EE, New York 10001

Hall, C.M. 2008, Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes and Relationships, 2 edn, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex
第2个回答  2011-03-07
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