国际上久负盛名的英国语言教育专家Jeremy Harmer在《How to Teach English》一书中指出:人们在社会生活中

国际上久负盛名的英国语言教育专家Jeremy Harmer在《How to Teach English》一书中指出:人们在社会生活中习得语言的规律同样适合课堂语言教学。经过多年的潜心研究与实践,他总结了课外成功的语言学习者的三大共同点:(1)不断地接触某种语言,尽管不能完全听懂或使用该语言。(2)为了交流而有兴趣学习该语言。(3)有机会使用正在学习的这种语言。对这些特点进行了总结和调整后,Jeremy Harmer提出了外语课堂教学必备的三要素:投入(engage)、学习(study)和运用(activate),简称ESA。投入就是通过不同的活动和方法如游戏、音乐、讨论等引起学生对所学语言材料的兴趣,给学生以学习动力,促使学生积极参与课堂活动。学习就是通过课堂活动而不是单纯的句型讲解与操练使学生掌握语音、语法、词汇等语言知识。运用是指通过课内外语言活动,使学生自由地、实际地运用任何适用于特定场景和话题的语言,典型的活动有角色扮演、讨论等。


第1个回答  2011-03-11
Prestigious international English language education experts Jeremy Harmer in the "How to Teach English" in his book: that people in social life, language acquisition, is equally suitable for classroom language teaching. After years of painstaking research and practice, he summed up the success of language learners extra three things in common: (1) a continuous exposure to a language, although not fully understand or use that language. (2) to exchange and are interested in learning the language. (3) have access to are learning the language. These features are summarized and adjusted, Jeremy Harmer made the necessary foreign language teaching three elements: input (engage), learn (study) and use (activate), referred to as ESA. Input is through the different activities and methods such as games, music, discussion, etc., causing students to the language learning materials, interest, motivation for students to learn, to encourage students to actively participate in classroom activities. Learning is through classroom activities rather than simply sentence explanation and practice to enable students to master the pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and other linguistic knowledge. Is through the use of language activities inside and outside class, students are free to the actual use of any particular scene and topic for the language, the activities of a typical role-playing and discussions.

第2个回答  2011-03-10
International prestigious British language education experts Jeremy Harmer in "How to Teach spending unfeasibility pointed out: people in social life language acquisition of the same principles for classroom language teaching. After years of intensive research and practice, he summarizes the extracurricular successful language learners have in common: (1) the three continuously contact with certain language, although cannot fully understand or use the language. (2) in order to communicate and interested in learning the language. (3) have the opportunity to learn the language use is being. To these characteristics are summarized and Jeremy Harmer adjusted, the proposed foreign language classroom teaching of three elements: the investment must engage), learning ((of) and use (activate), abbreviation ESA. Input is through different activities and methods such as games, music, discussion by students have the language materials of interest, to students' learning motivation and inspire students' active participation in classroom activities. Learning is through the classroom activities rather than simple sentences explaining and practice to make the students master pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary language knowledge. Using refer through both inside and outside the classroom language activities and make students freely, actual use any suitable for special occasions and topics of language, the typical activities have role-playing, discussion, etc.
第3个回答  2011-03-06
Internationally renowned British linguistic expert Jeremy Harmer pointed out in his book 《How to Teach English》that: the same rules that people who learn a language through social lives apply to teaching languages in a classroom setting. After years of research and implementation he summarized the success of those who learn languages outside a school environment into three common characteristics: (1) keep coming in contact with certain languages, even though you may not fully comprehend or use that language. (2) develop an interest to learn that language based on the need to communicate. (3) having the opportunity to actually use the language that you're learning.

After arriving at this conclusion and making necessary adjustments, Jeremy Harmer introduced three basic elements that are essential to teaching languages in a classroom: Engage, Study and Activate, namely the ESA. To engage means to stimulate students' interest in the material that they are using to learn, through a variety of activities such as games, music and discussions. To motivate the students and encourage them to actively participate the classroom activities. To study means to allow the students to grasp the linguistic knowledges such as pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary through classroom and extracurricular activities, instead of simply through analyzing sentence structures and practices. To activate menas to allow students to apply at will and in a real sense any languages that are suitable in particular scenarios or topics, typical activities include role plays and panel discussions.