今天 我要带领大家去新西兰 在这个寒假 我去了新西兰的奥克兰 基督城和皇后镇 在奥克兰我们去了鸭子湖

鸭子湖那里有很多的野生鸭子 在基督城我们住在寄宿家庭里 我家的妈妈是个警察 家里有一只狗两只猫 在基督城的一周我们每天早上去语言中心上课 下午游览 坐了游览火车 去了博物馆 动物园 划船 后来到了皇后镇 我们到了特卡坡湖 库克山 就是指环王的拍摄地 参观了蹦极 玩了快艇 去了米佛峡湾 两个星期的时间 体会到了那里的人的友好 环境的美丽 天气的突然变化 学生的轻松 在皇后镇到处都有水有山 美丽极了

求翻译 翻译 不要网上翻译的 明天就要演讲了..

第1个回答  2011-02-22
你好~~ 这么巧,我就住新西兰O(∩_∩)O~~
我楼上的翻译有些名词用错了 比如:鸭子湖= Western Springs, 不是 duck lake.

Today, I am going to take everyone on a tour to New Zealand. This winter holiday, I went New Zealand and the cities Auckland, Christchurch and Queenstown.

In Auckland, we went to Western Springs, where there are many ducks. At Christchurch we stayed with a local family, the mother of which is a police. The family owns a dog and two cats. We went to a language school for classes everyday while we stayed in Christchurch. In the afternoons, we toured around Christchurch. We went on a tour train, visited the museum, the zoo, and we went kayaking.

Later we arrived at Queenstown. We went to Lake Te Kapu, Mt Cook, which was where The Lord of the Rings was filmed. We saw bungy jumping, went on a jetboat and went to see the Milford Cliff. Over the 2 weeks, I experienced the friendliness of the people living there, the beautiful environment, the natural changes in weather and the how relaxed the students are. Queenstown's climate, especially, made it an amazingly beautiful place!
第2个回答  2011-02-21
Today I will lead you all to New Zealand, cause I have been to several places in New Zealand this winter vacation. I have been to Auckland, Christchurch,Queens Town.

When I was in Auckland, I went to a place called Duck Lake, which is located next to the Museum o Transportation. Certainly there were so many ducks over there.

And when I was in Christchurch, I stayed with a local family for 1 week. The homestay mother is a police officer, she has 1 dog and 2 cats at home. During that week, I went to language classes everyday in the morning, and in the afternoon, I went to the museum or zoo, taking touring-train or boat.

After that,I went to Queens Town. That is the most beautiful place in New Zealand. I went to Lake Te Kapu, Mountain Cook which was where the Lord of the Ring was filmed. I played Bumgee Jumping, jet, and I went to see the Milford Cliff and so on.... I spent 2 weeks over there, I just feel the people are very friendly, the environment is so beautiful, and it's so relaxed to be a student, though the weather is emothional, but I mean in Queestown, that's the most beautiful place I have never seen, it 's amazing!本回答被网友采纳