

第1个回答  2013-09-20
Carrots Loose/零卖胡萝卜 Potato - Brushed/ 拉绒马铃薯 Alfalfa/紫花苜蓿 Asparagus/芦笋 Baby Bok Choy/小白菜 Baby Corn/小玉米 Bean Shoots/豆芽 Beans - Borlotti/扁豆 Beans - Butter/黄豆 Beans - Green/绿豆 Beans - Snake/蛇豆 Beetroot/甜菜根 Broccoli/椰菜 Broccoli - Chinese (Gai Lum) 甘蓝 Broccoli - pieces/椰菜-分瓣的 Brussels Sprouts/芽甘蓝芽 Cabbage - Chinese (Wong Nga Baak)/中国卷心菜 Cabbage - Green/绿卷心菜 Cabbage - Red /红甘蓝 Cabbage - Savoy/甘蓝-皱叶甘蓝 Capsicum - Banana/香蕉形辣椒 Capsicum - Green/绿辣椒 Capsicum - Red/红辣椒 Capsicum - Yellow /黄辣椒 Cauliflower/花椰菜 Celery/ 旱芹 Corn - Sweet/ 甜玉米 Mushrooms - Gourmet Oysters / 蘑菇-Gourmet Oysters Cress - Mustard/ 水芹-芥菜 Cress Mix/ 杂交水芹 Cucumber - Green/绿黄瓜 Cucumber - Lebanese/黎巴嫩黄瓜 Cucumber - Telegraph (Continental)/黄瓜 Eggplant/茄子 Eggplant - Baby/小茄子 Eshallots/ 椭圆小洋葱 Fennel - Baby/ 小茴香 Garlic/ 大蒜 Leeks/ 韭 Leeks - Pencil or Baby/ 小韭 Lettuce - Baby Cos/ 莴苣 Lettuce - Butter/ 牛油莴苣 Mung bean sprouts/绿豆芽 Mushrooms - Swiss Brown - 200g/瑞士褐色蘑菇 Onions - Brown/ 棕色洋葱 Onions - Pickling/ 洋葱-腌渍品 Onions - Spanish (Red)/西班牙红洋葱 Onions - Spring/ 发条洋葱 Onions - White/ 白洋葱 Parsnip / 欧洲防风草 Peas - Snow/ 雪豌豆 Potato - Bintje/马铃薯- Bintje Pumpkin - Butternut /南瓜- Butternut Pumpkin - Jap/日本南瓜 Pumpkin - QLD Blue/南瓜- QLD Blue Radish/萝卜 Rocket/芝麻菜 Salad Mix/混合色拉 Shallots/ 葱 Spinach - Baby / 菠菜 Sprouts - Snow Pea/ 雪豌豆芽 Squash - Yellow/ 黄南瓜 Sweet Potato (Kumera) - 1kg/ 甘薯 Sweet Potato - Red or Kumera/ 红甘薯 Tomato/西红柿 Tomato - Cherry/ 樱桃西红柿 Tomato - Roma (Egg)/ 鸡蛋西红柿 Tomato - Vine Ripened/ 西红柿-在蔓藤上熟的 Turnip - Baby/ 小芜箐甘蓝 Witlof / Zucchini - Green/ 绿南瓜(夏季产南瓜的一种) Apple - Granny Smith/苹果-青蛇果 Apple - Red Delicious/苹果-蛇果 Apple - Red Delicious (Small)-bag of 10/苹果-蛇果(小个,每袋十个) Apple - Royal Gala/苹果-皇家姬娜 Avocado - eat now/鳄梨-已熟 Banana - Lady Finger/香蕉 Blackberries/黑莓 Dates/枣椰子 Figs - Punnet of 5/无花果-五个一盒 Honeydew Melon/蜜瓜 Kiwi Fruit /猕猴桃 Lime/酸橙 Lychee/荔枝 Mangosteen/倒捻子 Nectarine Yellow/油桃 Orange - Valencia/橙子-巴伦西亚桔 Papaya/番木瓜果 Passionfruit/西番莲之果 Paw / Paw Grape - Muscat/葡萄-麝香葡萄 Grape - Red Flame - Seedless/葡萄-红火焰-无籽 Grape - White - Seedless/葡萄-白色无籽 Grapefruit/柚子 Raspberries/浆果 Rhubarb/大黄 Rockmelon/哈蜜瓜 Seasonal Fruit & Vegetable Pack - $30.00/该季节的蔬菜和水果盒 Peach - Red/桃子-红色 Pear - Beurre Bosc/梨 Pear - Williams/梨-威廉斯 Pineapple/凤梨 Pineapple - Bethonga Gold - Premium/Pineapple - Bethonga Gold - Premium Plum - Yellow - 1kg bag/李子-黄色-每袋一公斤 Rambutan/红毛丹果 Strawberries/草莓