

第1个回答  2013-10-09
Hi, Susan, We're throwing a surprise party for Xia oming's birthday.And I am writing to i nvite you to our party ,would you like t o come and jion us ? We will be very gla d if you can come . The party will start at 8 o'clock on Friday ,and will last for an hour . We will meet in the students' club . Then we will have a birthday song, cake for Xiaoming . We will play some games ,too . The only requirement is preparin g a small gift for Li Hua . It will be very cold at night . Please wea r more clothes . I am waiting for your r epiy .追问



Hi, Susan, We're throwing a surprise party for Xia oming's birthday.And we would like t o invite you to come to the party, too. The party will be from 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock on Friday in the students' club. We w ill have a birthday song, cake for Xiaoming. And there will be games then. The only request is that you would have to prepare a gift for Xiaoming. We're looking forward to your coming.Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 嗨,苏珊,我们就扔下的⽣⽇惊喜派对。我们 想请你来参加聚会,太。该党将从⼋点到九点 星期五在学⽣俱乐部。我们会有⼀个⽣⽇蛋糕 ,⼩明。会有游戏。唯⼀的要求是你必须准备 ⼀个礼物给⼩明。 我们期待您的光临。真诚的李华【重新写的,自己俢改下】
