

第1个回答  2015-12-21



第2个回答  2015-12-22
承认你的错误 —— 第一步,亦是最重要的一步,就是承认你的错误。 如果光说“对不起”,而不承认错误只是白说,受伤害的一方也不会相信你。
承认所造成的伤害 —— 第二重要的步骤,是承认你对对方造成了伤害。你伤害了他们的感情、弄坏财物、对陷他们于难处?告诉他们,你知道你对他们造了些什么,要具体。
承担后果 —— 对自己所做的,承担全部责任和后果。后果可能是个人的,也可能是金钱上的,或者它可能是别的东西。承担你该负的部分,并从中汲取教训。别试图在这一点上转移视线,找别人做错的部份(如果有的话)或试图要他们道歉。这是关于“你”和“你的行为”,不关他们的事。
请求宽恕 —— 宽恕并不意味着忘记,所以很少有人能真正做到。这意味着,“我放弃向你报复或日后向你追究的权利”。
改变日后的行为 —— 向他们保证,你会作出相应的改变,不让这个错误再次发生。也就是说,光说不做是毫无意义的。如果你答应改变,而其他人看到你的改变,你可以修复你们的关系,重新建立信任。


How Can You Say "Sorry" and Really Mean It?
Too often we just say the words "I'm sorry" and expect that to be good enough. It's not. There are some very important steps to take for a truly heartfelt apology to be effective. Here's how ...
ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG — The first and most important step is to admit that you have done something wrong. To say you are sorry and not admit wrongdoing is empty and the injured party will not believe you.
ACKNOWLEDGE THE DAMAGE DONE — The second important step is to acknowledge the injury you have caused the other person(s). Have you hurt their feelings, damaged property, and caused them some difficulty? Be specific and tell them that you know what you did to them.
ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES — Accept complete responsibility for what you did as well as the consequences. The consequences could be personal, it could be financial, or it could be something else. Take your part and learn from it. Don't try to turn it around at this point and look for their part in the problem (if any) or try to get them to say they're sorry. This is about YOU and YOUR actions, not theirs.
ASK FOR FORGIVENESS — Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. That is something that few people can truly do. It means, "I give up my right to hurt you back or hold this over you in the future".
CHANGE BEHAVIOR IN THE FUTURE — Assure them that you will make the proper changes in the future and that you should keep this problem from happening again. Words with no action are pretty meaningless. If you promise to change, and the other person sees you change, you can repair your relationship and rebuild trust.
第3个回答  2015-12-21

