

第1个回答  2011-05-29
The tanker is usually in the car at the gas station refueling equipment for refueling, the tanker's automation and intelligence to improve the system helps reduce the cost of fuel, making everyone in the car after the fuel in the more convenient, or even There are already self-started a small area refueling tanker, and if this can be popular, then that would make the most of the industries, freeing labor to further improve the social labor productivity. Currently, the automatic dispenser in the general control system, has been able to through a computer (or microcontroller) control system, together with the flow sensor for automatic control of the tanker.
Based on the principle of automatic refueling careful analysis of the work, and I now consider the experimental conditions, the choice of the production of Mitsubishi PLC FX2N-64MR-type as the main control system, using CBG1016 gear pump and an optical probe as a flow measurement unit, And supported by GT1150 series of touch screen interactive interface to monitor the entire refueling process, thus completing the automatic dispenser control system design.
In this control system is designed to intelligently identify the PLC if the data from the touch-screen input, if there is data input, the corresponding internal register has changed and the refueling operation occurs automatically and displayed on the touch screen should be added to the oil. And then through the gear pump and reflective photoelectric sensor measured the actual amount of fuel, and then inside the PLC should be added to the amount of oil compared with the actual refueling, when the two are equivalent, PLC outputs a control signal makes the drive motor stops, That is the end of the refueling process. The simulation runs show that the control system is stable, control accuracy, achieved the automatic control system design requirements tanker追问

汗..谷歌我也知道用啊 问题是 有些地方不通顺啊

第2个回答  2011-05-29