

第1个回答  2018-12-04
第2个回答  2018-12-04
3It c0n be seen frorn, the chart that. fhere have, alumantebeen shslight. increases tun the number of gyale.Acorsbing to -the arton, we clearly see that. aboy Consult his teacher a probem of grade. .This boysay, Why us Qn A or B better than aC orD? Aren't al letters_ equal ln the_ eyes ofGod 7 ckina educafton system to students Vsvery cwelty, It byvirtue _ of grade for studentsevauate, I thinR the qualty ofa stuoent COMOEjust COOR at gyades.L

1 thkuk extracurricular actvites ws - very AmMprtorgAcMldse talent needs to be slowly fopped.'So. we_ COon'L judge Students by thetr grades.Gwe Children m ore space.
For the chinese, there is nothing /noYe hmportoaf_tlan moncake the Mid- Au tumn Festlwal.
第3个回答  2018-12-04
第4个回答  2018-12-04