应该用nor / or


第1个回答  2022-10-10
其实用nor或or都可以,只是nor的语气要比or更强 牛津出版的Practical English Usage就有以下解释 nor可用于not后面,尤其是在停顿之后。这比or语气更强调 She didn't phone that day
nor the next day. (比...that day or the next day 更强调) Our main need is not food
nor money. It is education. 希望帮到你! 2009-02-19 09:16:53 补充: 楼下captainkirk2047所讲甚是,other应作others 但对一定要写成nor do they work则有点异议 Yahoo字典在nor条下,就有一例 2. (用在not
never之后)也不 The story is not interesting nor instructive. 这个故事没有味道
也没有教育意义。 I have never spoken nor written to her. 我跟她从来没说过话
也没写过信。 意下如何?
They don't help other NOR work. Remember this
either will match with or neither will match with nor Hope can help you!!!
They don't help other nor work. well remember this
either will match with or neither will match with nor
They don't help other or work. They don't help other or work.
参考: me
They don't help other _or___ work
参考: ME