

第1个回答  2023-02-25
【 #英语资源# 导语】走遍天涯海角,您在的地方才是永远的家;听遍千言万语,您说的话才是拨动心弦的金玉;吃遍四面八方,您做的饭菜才是最香;看遍人情冷暖,您给的关心才是最真挚的爱。母亲节,愿您健康快乐,笑口常开!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is mother's day, mother's day. Since I got up in the morning, I have been thinking about what gift to give my mother. Finally, I decided to help my mother with the housework.

  It's time to make breakfast. I think today is my mother's holiday. I should cook for my mother. But my ability is limited. I can only make omelettes, so I began to make breakfast for the whole family. I brought four eggs and prepared one for my mother, one for me and two for my father. I turned on the fire and waited until there was no water in the pot. In this time, I stir the eggs well. When there was no water in the pot, I poured oil again. When the oil was hot, I took the bowl containing eggs and poured the eggs into the pot about 7 cm away from the middle of the pot. When that side is almost cooked, turn the egg cake over with a shovel. After another minute or two, I'll put the egg cake out. In this way, I made two more egg cakes.

  At dinner, my mother said, "although the shape of this egg cake is not very good-looking, it tastes better on my mother's mouth and in my heart!" I was so happy when I heard it.

  After dinner, I helped my mother wash the dishes and sweep the floor. Mom is happier.

  At noon, when my mother was cooking, I changed into a little assistant. Mom wanted to mix the cucumber, so I helped cut the cucumber, mixed the cucumber, and added some vinegar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and salt. I also made delicious kunbu rolls with scallion, coriander and many shrimps.

  After all this, I felt very tired and finally realized how tired my mother was at home every day. In the future, I will help my mother work more at home!

  Mom, you worked hard!


  Today is mother's Day! What gift should I give my mother?

  After thinking for a long time, I finally realized that no material gift can equal a clever and filial daughter. I decided to be such a daughter today.

  What is the first job of a clever and filial daughter? Yes: cleaning. I wipe, I wipe, I wipe, wipe what? Of course, wipe the glass, left and right. After a while, all kinds of glass are as clean and transparent as a mirror. What should I do after wiping? It's time to sweep. I picked up the broom, one after another, and I tried my best to sweep, sweep, sweep. After sweeping, you will find that the ground becomes clean. If you see it, you must not have the heart to step on it for fear of getting dirty.

  What's the second job? Of course: massage. Don't you understand what I mean? Massage means: knead your mother's muscles and bones, relieve the pressure and make her more comfortable. I began to work. First, I began to pinch from my mother's shoulder. Pinch, pinch, pinch. I asked my mother, "is it comfortable?" Mom smiled and said, "comfortable. As long as you pinch it, it's comfortable." My heart is sweet, like eating honey. Looking at my mother's happy smile, I also smiled. My mother said, "this is the happiest mother's day in my life."

  Maternal love is boundless. Maternal love is the greatest love in the world. I love my mother and wish mothers all over the world a happy holiday.


  Mother's Day is coming soon. I decided to give my mother a gift.

  So I found a piece of cardboard, two Christmas hats and two balls. First, I cut out two circles from the cardboard and stick them on the paper with a glue stick. Then, I drew eyes and mouth on the paper. In this way, the head has been made. Then, I took an egg, chiseled a small hole on it, and poured the egg yolk and egg white into the bowl. Then, I poured candle oil into the egg, and then stuck the head and egg with a glue stick. In this way, a tumbler has been made.

  I made the second tumbler in two ways, and soon made it. Then I cut a piece of cardboard into a heart shape, which said: Mom, I love you. Then connect the heart shape between the two tumblers, and then put the tumbler on the table. Behind it, I made a gift box, drew a picture and put it in it, waiting for my mother to go home.

  At noon, my mother came home from work. I quickly gave my mother a gift and said, "Mom, I wish you a happy mother's Day!" The mother said happily, "thank you. You are really a good child who is filial to your parents." Hearing my mother's praise, I felt happy.


  As the saying goes: "who says an inch of grass heart, report the three spring rays". Today is mother's day, a festival worthy of celebration and a festival to thank mother. May, spring is bright; In May, flowers bloom in spring; May is full of spring. Let's enter mother's day together.

  I walked into a shop and saw gifts. I chose a greeting card and some carnations. Back home, I began to decorate the greeting card. I drew a cake and some candles on the card and wrote "Mom, I love you". Writing, I can't help thinking: when I am sick and have a fever, my mother will always kindly comfort me; When I failed in the exam, my mother would not blame me, but help me with my homework. I shed tears. Tomorrow, I must make breakfast for my mother.

  The next morning, I cooked a bowl of porridge and an egg for my mother, waiting for my mother to wake up. Mom woke up and I quickly hid behind the curtains. Mother came to my room, ready to wake me up. As soon as she came in, her mother saw the carnations and greeting cards on the table. She opened the card and saw the words inside. First she smiled happily, and then she shed tears. She came to the living room again and saw the breakfast on the table. I also ran out from behind the curtain and threw myself into my mother's embrace. I said affectionately, "Mom, I love you." The mother's expression at that time was both happy and excited. Then, the mother said, "child, you have grown up, and mother is proud of you." My mother said and stroked my head. I lowered my head embarrassed. I let my mother have breakfast again. She thought it was delicious and she smiled.


  Mother's Day is coming. In order to express my feelings for my mother, I decided to make a greeting card for my mother and then cook her favorite dish.

  I immediately ran into my room and took out a colored pen and a piece of hard paper. First cut the paper into a rectangle, then fold it in half, cut a "heart" shape on the front, and then write "Happy Mother's holiday" with a colored pen on the lower layer of paper corresponding to the "heart" Seven words. After that, I painted on the other side "mom is busy in the kitchen with an apron". Finally, I tied the ribbon and made the little greeting card.

  It's almost noon. I quickly cook and prepare a dish for my mother. What dishes do you cook? My mother usually likes eggs best. Today I'll try to make a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes for my mother. I first took out three eggs and broke them, then gently poured the egg white and yolk into a bowl, then stirred them with chopsticks, and finally cut two tomatoes.

  After the preparation, I turned on the gas stove, put the pot on the gas stove, and then poured some oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, I pour the eggs into the pot. As soon as the eggs are in the pot, they make a "Chi Chi" sound. I immediately picked up the shovel to stir fry. After a while, I poured the tomatoes into the pot and stir fry them with the eggs. Finally, I put a little seasoning, because my mother said that scrambled eggs with tomatoes would not taste good if the seasoning was too strong. In this way, after a while, a plate of delicious tomato scrambled eggs came out of the pot.

  As soon as my mother entered the door, I gave her the greeting card and put scrambled eggs and tomatoes on the table. Then I hugged my mother and said, "Mom, I wish you a happy holiday!" My mother was surprised at first, then looked at the greeting card and scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the table, then smiled sweetly and praised me: "good daughter, grow up. You are really my mother's good child!" My mother's sweet smile from the heart has been deeply imprinted in my mind since then. In the future, I must help my mother do more housework.


  Today is mother's day. In the evening, the moon climbed up the treetops. I think I should do something for my mother, make a mother's Day card for my mother, or do housework? I'd better wash my mother's feet once! My mother works so hard every day. I also wash her feet today.

  I brought a basin of warm water and went to my mother. I said to my mother, "you wash my feet every day, and I'll wash your feet again today." Mother was very surprised, but she still sat down and asked me to wash her feet. Mother's feet are not as soft as mine, a little hard, and the soles of her feet are covered with calluses. Mother's feet are not as fat as mine, but thin. I raised my hair and now my mother looked at me. My mother stroked my head and said, "you've finally grown up."

  Washing my mother's feet makes me feel very happy. I will wash my mother's feet more in the future.


  May 11, today is mother's day. We got up early in the morning and ate the cake my father and I bought yesterday. My mother's piece, because my mother is the protagonist, so my mother's piece.

  After the cake, we went to the flower and bird market. If you want to know why, right? Listen to me. This is because we are going to the flower and bird market to buy a lovely little chinchilla. First, I took a peek. I didn't like any little chinchillas. Later, I fell in love with three little chinchillas. Among the three, I only bought a lovely little chinchilla. The little chinchilla I chose was very close to me, so I bought this little chinchilla. She's a mother. I like her very much. However, she was not very familiar with me, so she always hid in the cage. I waited for a long time before she stretched out her head to see if there was any movement.

  We were so happy that day! See you tomorrow!


  Today is mother's day. I want to do something for my mother. After thinking about it, I decided to wash my mother's feet.

  I put a big wooden bucket in front of my mother, and then poured the hot water into the bucket. When my mother put her feet into the water, I began to wash my mother's feet. My little hands rubbed on my mother's feet seriously. After a while, my mother said, "my child, it has been washed clean, so I don't need to wash any more." I listened and went to pour water.

  After pouring the water, I ran to my mother and helped her massage her feet and arms. At the same time, I asked my mother, "is it comfortable for my mother to press?" Mother said, "very comfortable." I was very happy to hear that.


  In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I gave my mother the gift I prepared yesterday. Mom must think this is a thoughtful gift.

  In the morning, I said, "Mom, this is only part of the surprise. You will have a bigger surprise in the evening!"   

  "What's the surprise?" Asked his mother.

  "What do you think?" I asked, "surprise is not a surprise." With that, I went into the room without looking back and did my homework. While I was doing my homework, I thought to myself: I must keep secret about taking my mother to dinner in the evening.

  It's 9 o'clock in the blink of an eye, but dad still doesn't want to get up. What can I do? He certainly doesn't want to have dinner together in the evening, hehe!

  In the evening, we went to the "Jiangnan commune" and ordered a lot of delicious food. We had a big meal and there were still many left. Then pack up and go home. Let's make supper for mom and dad tomorrow night.

  Today is really an unforgettable mother's Day!


  When mother's day came, my father took me, my brother and my mother out to play.

  Mother thought she really went out to play, so she brought two bottles of water, a large piece of bread and several cans. At the destination, my father took out a box, and my brother asked, "what's in it?" "You'll know later." Dad is deliberately selling off. Dad first secretly told me, "this is a gift for mom." I said, "I see." He immediately took out the flowers in the box and ran to his mother. The little brother who was not far away from his mother immediately knew what I wanted to do and immediately chased me. It was like smearing oil on the soles of my feet, grabbed the flowers in my hands and ran to my mother without looking back. I was stunned and wondered when my brother ran so fast. I immediately ran to my mother and grabbed the flowers back. My brother immediately came after me, but I was only one step away. I gave the flowers to my mother first. The younger brother was so anxious that he shouted on the side, "Mom, happy mother's Day!"

  Mother took the flowers with surprise on her face and said happily, "thank you! Thank you for your gifts. I'm so happy today!" Looking at my mother's smile, I winked at my father and smiled happily with my brother.
