average monthly wage中文翻译


第1个回答  2022-10-09

In 2004 , the average monthly wage rate for supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and import export trades , restaurants and hotels sectors was 11 , 549 us 1 , 481
2004年,批发零售进出口贸易饮食及酒店业的督导人员技术人员文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 549元1 , 481美元。

In 2003 , the average monthly wage rate for the supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and importexport trades , restaurants and hotels sectors was $ 11 , 549 ( us $ 1 , 481 )
工资2003年,批发、零售、进出口贸易、饮食及酒店业的督导人员、技术人员、文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 549元( 1 , 481美元) 。

Clause 11 the wage level for the calculation of economic pensation referred to in this method represents the average monthly wage of an enterprise under the normal production conditions in the preceding elve months before the termination of the contract of employment

In the event that an employer terminates a contract of employment according to clause 6 , clause 8 and clause 9 , the employer shall pay the economic pensation based on the average monthly wage of the enterprise where the average monthly wage of the worker is lower than the average monthly wage of the enterprise

In the event that an employer terminates a contract of employment according to clause 6 , clause 8 and clause 9 , the employer shall pay the economic pensation based on the average monthly wage of the enterprise where the average monthly wage of the worker is lower than the average monthly wage of the enterprise

In september 1998 , the average monthly wage rate for the supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and importexport trades , restaurants and hotels sector was $ 11 , 833 . based on the wage indices , the average wage rate for this group increased by 1 . 3 per cent in money terms , or a decrease of 1 per cent in real terms , pared with the same period of 1997
一九九八年九月,批发零售业、进出口贸易和饮食及酒店业的管理级工人、技术人员、文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 833元,与一九九七年同期比较,以货币计算增加了1
