

第1个回答  2023-08-01

wine在英语中的读音为 /waɪn/,音标表示为 "wain"。

1、音标分解:第一个音节发音为 /waɪ/,类似于 "wai" 的音。第二个音节发音为 /n/,类似于 "n" 的音。


3、第三人称单数: wines现在分词: wining过去式: wined过去分词: wined。


1、我喜欢品尝红酒和白葡萄酒。I enjoy tasting red wine and white wine.

2、我们在晚餐上品味了一瓶美酒。We savored a bottle of fine wine at dinner.

3、这个国家以其葡萄酒而闻名。This country is famous for its wines.

4、请给我来一杯红葡萄酒。Can I have a glass of red wine, please?

5、在婚礼上,他们举起酒杯庆祝新婚。At the wedding, they raised their glasses to celebrate the newlyweds.

6、这个葡萄园的葡萄酿造出了一款出色的葡萄酒。The grapes from this vineyard produce an excellent wine.

7、他是一位著名的葡萄酒酿酒师,擅长制作复杂而优雅的葡萄酒。He is a renowned winemaker known for crafting complex and elegant wines.

8、这个地区的气候条件非常适合葡萄种植和葡萄酿酒。The climatic conditions in this region are ideal for grape cultivation and winemaking.

9、我们要买一瓶特别的纪念品葡萄酒,以庆祝这个特殊的时刻。We want to buy a special commemorative wine bottle to celebrate this special moment.

10、他作为一名酒侍,精通于各种类型的葡萄酒和其品鉴技巧。As a sommelier, he is knowledgeable about various types of wines and their tasting techniques.
