

第1个回答  2022-07-05



  I am applying for the position of cashier in your company.

  Please dont care about my bachelors degree, dont talk to me about talent, just treat me as an ordinary girl who needs to work. I am 24 years old, with a degree of technical secondary school or higher vocational school. I have met the requirements of your company for a cashier. Would you please consider me?

  As for the experience that must be mentioned. I didnt work as a cashier before, but I worked as a clerk for half a year. The work of an office clerk should be more complicated than that of a cashier. So I think I have the ability to do a good job as a cashier. I am familiar with the operation of office software, and I have learned VB programming and C + + language in computer courses in University. I believe that should be able to quickly master and skilled cashier computer software operation!

  In todays extremely devalued college students, I really complain that I was born in the post-80s generation. But its hard. Its hard for everyone. At present, it is difficult for college students to find a job. It is more difficult for college students majoring in liberal arts to find a job. It is even more difficult for college students majoring in liberal arts and law to find a job! It happens that I am a law student. I have been out of work for more than two months now. I just joined the unemployment net and became a member. A group of depressed people get together for a company. I wonder if there are any unemployed college students among your relatives and friends? Its a bad taste! Not only hungry body, but also hungry spirit, looking for a job is often looking for a physical and mental exhaustion back. It seems that all the companies interviewed regard college students as poison. After the new year, the only happy thing is that I stepped out of the ranks of fresh graduates, the toxicity weakened.

  I think that the position and salary are not the key for me to find a job. I pay more attention to the working environment and development prospects of the company. As long as I have the ability, I can start from a low position. Carrefours signboard is well known to all ages. Our family is also a regular customer of your company. If I am really lucky to be an employee of your company, my family will be very happy to know. Now that I have submitted my resume and gone to the interview, it shows that I like this position and hope to be competent! I wrote this cover letter and sent it to you. Its the same with the company. Im not wasting paper, ink and brain cells, which shows that Im sincere in competing for the position of cashier!

  You are the one who saw my letter. I would like to ask the leaders to give me an opportunity of employment interview, which I will cherish very much. I really need a job to support myself now!

  I am enclosing my resume and looking forward to an interview with you. I hope to have the opportunity to become an excellent cashier of Carrefour supermarket!






  I think that职位和薪资的高低不是我找工作的关键,我更加看重公司的工作环境和发展前景。只要我有能力,从低职位做起未尝不可。家乐福的招牌众人老少皆知,我们家也是贵公司的老主顾了。如果我真的有幸成为贵公司的一名员工,我的家人知道了也一定很高兴。既然投了履历表,又跑去面试,那说明我喜欢这个招聘岗位并希望胜任!写了这封求职信寄给您公司也是一样,我不是在浪费纸墨和脑细胞,这说明我是很有诚意竞聘收银员这个职位!


