Unit 8 Green Living Topic Talk教学目标和教学设计


第1个回答  2022-06-05
Unit 8 Green Living Topic Talk教学目标+指向学科素养发展的英语学习活动设计

主题语境: “绿色生活 Green  Living”属于“人与自然”主题语境中“环境保护”主题群下的“ 人与环境、人与动植物;人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系”。

语篇类型: 两段听力与地球环境问题、绿色生活意识有关。








    1.教师创设情境,关注单元主题Green Living 。

  Draw students' attention to the photo on page 27  and ask what they think the message of this  image is, ———— that  the earth is a planet with lots of natural resources, like water, forests, et cetera.

    Talk about the quotations from  Bill Gates ( The co -founder of the Microsoft Corporation) and Margaret Mead( An American anthropologist).

Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority( Bill Gates)( Climate change refers to significant changes in global temperature, percipitation, wind patterns and other measures of climate that occur over several decades or longer .With the amount of pollution, the world is negatively affected.气候变化指的是全球温度、降水量、风型和其他气候指标在几十年或更长的时间内发生的显著变化。随着污染的增加,世界受到了负面影响。)

We don't have a society if we destroy the environment .(Margaret Mead)( This quote is to the point.  The author believes  that our society, the human race , are the only ones who destroy the environment and we will be non-existent if we destroy the environment.)(这句话很中肯。作者认为,我们的社会,人类,是唯一破坏环境的人,如果我们破坏了环境,我们将不复存在。)

[设计意图:充分利用教材内容,用quote… unquote其中两个引出本单元主题。]