
Student A is the marketing manager and Student B is the Adertising Managr of a company specialized in children's shoes.The Children's Day is coming,Your company is planning an advertising campaign for your products and you are discussing the details of this adverting campaign.Make a dialog.

第1个回答  2011-04-16
A: hi, I know your company are expert at advising shoe product, my company is planing to make a advertisement for our product, could you give me some ideas about it?
B: oh, nice to meet you?
A:nice to meet you too?
B:I am very happy to intriduce my company, our company has more than ten years experience of the shoes adverting, and we have cooperated with many famous brands, such as JUSLA, PUMA, UMBRO, VANS, and other popular brands in the world.
A: oh, that's good, but could you tell me, have you do the children's shoes before?
B: yes, we have, but it is not as many as the sporting shoe and adult shoes, if could, I would like give you some cases to you to determine.
A: ok, thank you so much, and could you give me some idea about adversitment.
B: of course, it is my pleasure, I know you want to show your product in the children's day, and I want to say, the summer is coming, I think the adversitment should be combine the sunny holiday, should have the worter and seaside.
A: ok, thank you so much for you suggestion!

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