根据自己家乡一年四季的天气情况及各个季节人物喜欢做什么事情,写一篇80词英语作文。 我的家乡在 宝鸡。

人物是:妈妈,爸爸,爷爷 奶奶 小姨 舅舅 。 帮个忙阿 ,9点整 要写完的阿

It's winter in China. The weather is windy and cloudy. My parents are wearing sweaters and scarfs. But everyone is having a good time. My grandparents are eating in restaurants.In a park ,my uncle is playing the guitar and my aunt is singing. I'm taking a photo. 我写的怎么样 哈哈O(∩_∩)O哈!
第1个回答  2012-03-29
It's winter in China. The weather is windy and cloudy. My parents are wearing sweaters and scarfs. But everyone is having a good time. My grandparents are eating in restaurants.In a park ,my uncle is playing the guitar and my aunt is singing. I'm taking a photo. 我写的怎么样 哈哈O(∩_∩)O哈!
第2个回答  2012-03-15
第3个回答  2012-04-16