

第1个回答  2023-01-10
 I. The Main Documents for Visa Application   1、签证申请表 Visa application's form   2、护照 Passport   3、在读证明 Studying certificate   4、学习计划 Study plan   5、个人陈述 Personal Statement   6、推荐信 Reference letter/ Recommendation letter   7、录取通知书 The offer letter/ I 20 form   8、毕业证书 Graduation diploma   9、学位证书 Bachelor's Degree   10、成绩单 Score list/ transcripts   11、雅思成绩单 IELTS list   12、英语四、六级证书 The certificate of CET4 and CET6   13、奖学金Scholarship   14、获奖证书 Honor certificates   15、GPA grade point average美国的GPA满分是4分,即A=4,B=3,C=2, D=1.   16、住校 Live on campus   17、订机票 Book the ticket   II. The Finance Supporting Documents   1、存款证明 The certificate of deposit   2、存单/存折Bank receipt/Bankbook   3、父/母亲收入证明 The working certificate of my father/mother   4、津贴/奖金 Subsidy/Bonus   5、年终奖金 Year-end bonus   6、年工资 Annual salary/Yearly salary   III. Other Supporting Documents   1、身份证及户口本 ID card and Household register (Family book)   2、股票证明和资金对帐单 Stock certificate& fund list   3、房产证明 The certificate of house property   4、签发签证 Issue the visa   5、签证官 Visa officer