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【关键词】设计 文化内涵 传统文化 普世文化
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第1个回答  2007-05-07
The cultural essence of a design

Abstract: The cultural essence of a design is an indispensable component of most outstanding designings. It brings about life to a design just like a soul. This article gives a primary analysis of the inspiration of some fashion designers and their designing cultural essence from the two perspectives, namely, that of the traditional culture and that of the multitude culture. This article also gives suggetions on how to reveal cultural essence in our designing work.

Keywords: Designing, cultural essence, traditional culture, multitude culture本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-05-07
Cultural Connotation of Design
Abstract: The cultural connotation of design is an indispensable part of the majority of excellent designs. It is like the soul of the design and brings life to the design . This paper seeks to interprete the source of inspiration of some fashion designers and cultural connotation of their design on a preliminary basis from the two perspectives of traditional culture and universal culture as well as how to reflect the cultural connotation in our design.
Key words: design, cultural connotation, traditional culture, universal culture.
第3个回答  2007-05-07
The design cultural connotation is majority designs the indispensable constituent outstandingly, he on the like design soul, takes to the design life.This article from traditional culture and Pu world culture①Two aspects have initially analyzed the inspiration origin and the design cultural connotation which some fashion designer creates, as well as how manifests the cultural connotation in ours design.
第4个回答  2007-05-07