
3.今晚八点前发到[email protected],时间紧急,悬赏多多的。
Task 1: Talking about one of the special people in your life. (the relationship,
unforgettable events, special memories…)
Task 2: Talking about your favorite foods (texture, taste, nutrition of the foods,
how to prepare the foods……)
Task3: Talking about your personal style (your personal sense of style, where are
your clothes from, favorite brand names and reasons……)
Task 4: Talking about the strange or interesting dream you had. (things happened
in the dream, what is special and interesting about your dream……)
Task 5: Talking about your party or festival experience. (special costumes, foods,
typical events or activities, the meanings……)
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第1个回答  2014-05-25
Task 1:
A: Sup my nigga.
B: Sup bro.
A: How's your dad doin'
B: Fine man, fine. Ur's?
A: No so well bro, not so well. He is fucked up man....
B: What happened to him?
A: He got hit by a mother fucking truck.
A: Yeah man. It's badddddddddd.
B: How's he doin'
A: He got out of ER, but still in hospital.
B: Well that sucks, byeeee.

Task 2:
A: Damm I'm hungry as fuck man...
B: Yeah, me too.
A: What should we grab at lunch?
B: Some tacos?
A: No. It gives me diarrhea...
B: Well that sucks. Tacos are the best.
A: How about shit?
B: Good idea. Let go and eat some shit.

Task 3:
A: Damm girl~ Lookin hot today~
B: Thanks sis!

Task 4:
A: Man I have the weirdest dream...
B: What did you dream about?
A: There was this hot girl and I was going to fuck her. And then out of no where some crazy ass monster jump out and ate my dick...
B: Fuck... That is messed up bro.
A: Yeah, IKR~

Task 5:
A: I had the BEST party EVER!!!!!!!
A: There was weed, beer, shots, boobs, anything you deamed about.
B: Man, why didn't you fucking call me?!
A: Because I was too busy getting fucked
B: *Pulls out a gun and shot A in the head*
