急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?


第1个回答  2022-10-05

急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?, 100求英语作文。what’s your attitude towards the human nature?100字到200字之间

The o scientists stood shoulder to shoulder with President Bill Clinton in the East Room of the White House, the same room where the American explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark unfurled their map of the Northwest Territories for Thomas Jefferson.
Like Lewis and Clark 200 years before them, the scientists were explorers of a newly discovered landscape and they, too, had just pleted their own draft map of an unknown world.
Francis Collins and Craig Venter had been, in fact, rivals in the race to decode the human genome, but they had been cajoled into making a very public "truce" in a joint transatlantic press conference with Tony Blair in Downing Street. Venter, the leader of the privately run project, and Collins, the government scientist, stood together to explain that humanity was now able to read, for the first time, the geic map describing the detailed coordinates of our DNA code.



英语作文 我对英语的看法



人应拥有的,我都应该拥有。人在其现实性上是一切社会关系的总和。人的本质是自由自觉的劳动,劳动是人本质的确证和实现。人在活动中追求价值和真理。自我价值和社会价值统一,当发生矛盾的时候自我价值服从于社会价值,因为人是在社会中依赖于社会而生存的,人服从于社会价值最终受益的是自己,马克思没有明确给人性论下定义,不能用无私论界定马克思对人性的看法,人性论这个转有名词是休谟提出的 ,具体你可以看看休谟的书。

我对幸运的看法 英语作文

My View on Luck
Nowadays, it is generally believed among some people that suess es from luck. They
believe it in love, in examinations, and even in promotion. For instance, when some of them
don’t get good marks in entrance examinations or fail to be enrolled by a key university,
they will attribute it to bad luck.
However, others believe in themselves. They are working hard and trying their best to
achieve what they want. Although they may fail sometimes, they don’t give up, for they
believe that one’s fate lies in his own hand. As long as they work hard, they will sueed
in the end. In their minds, diligence is the mother of good luck.
As to me, I am in favour of the latter opinion. Luck doesn't e alone. It goes hand in
hand with hard work and knowledge.
Patrioti *** possesses a force that ties each of us together and inspires us to a joint
action. As long as we love our motherland and work hard to protect her, China, our great
mother, will stand firmly in the east of the world.


聊QQ算什么啊,只要他们聊一些正常的话题,没有感 *** 彩,你就没有必要过多的阻扰!要相信自己,要有自信!越是害怕失去越让自己变得敏感,你总不可能24小时把你的老婆留在身边吧,你总不可能不让他看别的男人吧?


您好:Iamastudent,ourstudentsshouldhavemorefreedom,justasfriends.Parentsandteachersdonotthinkweshouldplaytogetherandbadstudents,butshouldnotbeplayingwiththeoppositesex,becausewearehittingpuberty,thebigfearthaelovepeople,andthenaffecttheschool.Infact,thenormalcontact *** eeenmenandwomenmightalsobestudents.Therefore,parentsandclear,andaysomeoftheoppositesexusuallymindit,soperhapsthebenefitsthatletyouseewhattruefriendship.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~


What is my opinion on learning English?
In my opinion, learning English is very important for us and it is not very easy to learn it well.
First of all, English is one of the most important languages in the world like Chinese. If we can learn it well, it will help us a lot in the future. We can talk with foreigners, work with them without problems and understand each other. There are lots of foreigners in China right now and I think I could visit a foreign country one day, and I can use English by then.
However, English is not very easy to learn. There are a lot of words for us to remember and the grammars are difficult. I need to do many exercises to understand them. Speaking is much more difficult, because we are Chinese and there is not a good English environment around us.
Anyway, English is not very easy to learn but we must learn it well.
160个词,够了吧? 自己写的,读读就知道啦,应该都是初中的词汇,如果不认识的,你自己换一个词就好了。


人之初,性本恶,老师导,家长教,长大后,不知孝,盗骗淫,全会了,理还壮,怨声高,这种人,可不少,孔子经,是善道,在当今,要放掉,三字文,用当朝,新社会,有新道,犯了法,枪毙掉,谁还敢,乱国要,专政经,是大道。 答:人性是用文明和素质的理论去套取名利的守猎期,也是用人性割分猎品心性上沾血越多越受崇拜的虐1性时期。 本性决定是猎人和猎物的社会,本质是生死,成败是存亡,并可自称消灭阶级差别的‘勇士’。 这时期每个人都认为是孤独地面对着全是狼,你与它有一个想法‘吃掉对方’。人性市场繁荣,己证明了人性的价值,多用人性换点铜臭,买张贴面,再来装人,去达到变态的淫性,演变成 *** 。

第2个回答  2023-06-10
As an AI language model, I don't possess personal beliefs or emotions. However, I can provide a sample essay on the topic "What is your attitude towards the human nature?"

Human nature is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been debated by philosophers, scholars, and scientists for centuries. Some argue that humans are inherently good, while others believe that they are inherently selfish and aggressive. In my opinion, human nature is a combination of both good and bad qualities, and it is shaped by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and culture.

On one hand, humans have the capacity for kindness, empathy, and altruism. People are capable of great acts of compassion and generosity, and they often go out of their way to help others in need. This is evident in the many charitable organizations and volunteer groups that exist around the world. Furthermore, humans have the ability to create and appreciate beauty, whether it be through art, music, or literature. These qualities demonstrate the innate goodness of human nature.

On the other hand, humans also have a darker side. They are capable of greed, jealousy, and violence. Conflict and war have been a part of human history since the beginning of time, and acts of cruelty and injustice continue to occur in many parts of the world. Additionally, humans have the tendency to prioritize their own interests over those of others, which can lead to selfishness and exploitation.

Despite these negative aspects of human nature, I believe that people have the potential to change and improve themselves. Through education, empathy, and self-reflection, individuals can learn to overcome their negative tendencies and cultivate their positive qualities. By recognizing the complexity of human nature and striving to be the best version of ourselves, we can create a better world for everyone.