

第1个回答  2022-10-29

Two months deposit and one month ' s rent payable in advance
两个月租金作按金及一个月 预付租金 。

A : o months deposit and one month ' s rent payable in advance
两个月租金作按金及一个月 预付租金 。

All tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month ' s rent in advance
租客须付三个月租金作按金和一个月 预付租金 。

Long - term prepaid rent
长期 预付租金

A : all tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month ' s rent in advance
租客须付三个月租金作按金和一个月 预付租金 。

All tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month ' s rent in advance
租户须付三个月租金作押金和提前一个月 预付租金 。

A : all tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month ' s rent in advance
租户须付三个月租金作押金和提前一个月 预付租金 。

Pre - paid rental cost : the new premises would cost rmb45 , 000 to rent half a year pre - paid
预付租金 开支:新场地的租金为45 , 000元的半年预付款。

Four : rent the car to go together with to drive the service , only need to be provide oneself id card or letter of introduction , prepay the rental
四租车配驾服务,只需提供本人身份证或介绍信 预付租金 。

The type - writer people were again clamoring for money , insistently pointing out that according to the agreement rent was to be paid strictly in advance
打字机店的人又在吵著要他交费了,说要严格照合同办事,要求 预付租金 。
