

第1个回答  2013-09-20
United Kingdom (England) is the birthplace of modern football. According to historical records, the Middle Ages in England there have been similar to today's football activity. To the early 19th century, football in England is quite universal. Football game because of the need for the formation of a unified point of view, October 26, 1863, the person at London's Queen Street弗雷马森hotel meeting, discussed and agreed to set up the Football Association, Football Association announced at the meeting in addition to the formal establishment, but also formulate and adopted a more unified soccer competition rules, it is the modern prototype of the Competition Rules football. Its establishment marked the birth of modern football.
December 6, 1882 Commonwealth representatives of the four at Manchester Football, through a unified competition rules football. Later years, also conducted a number of rules changes. 1881 before and after the start of the tendency of professional football, England Football Association on June 20, 1885 to recognize the legitimate status of professional football. However, in professional issues, the British Football Association and FIFA have been sharp contradictions and conflicts. Commonwealth of the four separately from the Football Association from 1920 to 1924, from 1928 to 1946 exit twice FIFA, FIFA does not take part in any activity. Until 1958, the two sides to reach public knowledge. The same year, the England set up a professional soccer players association.
1862, England first established football club Nottinghamshire, from England, saw the setting up of the football club. To 1870, England has 39 soccer clubs, to 1881, has 128 England Soccer Organization. Today, a total of 160 professional football clubs, one of 40 club's history at 100 years.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-20
Ever since medieval times, football seemed to fit the English people like a glove. Legend tells us that the first "football" matches were played by the mobs at public executions, using the unfortunate victim's head as a ball. Although this gory image is probably not true, the history of English soccer did start in medieval times, but in a less gruesome scenario.

One of the first references to a kicking game comes from Norfolk, in a 1321 document where it is stated that a young man hurt himself during a "game as he kicked the ball". Other references of kicking games abound during that period and the first mentioning of the word "football" was made by King Henry IV of England, who issued a proclamation that forbad betting on "foteball".

In any case, it's well known that the history of English football as we know it begins with the game being introduced in physical education classes throughout the entire public school system of England.