

第1个回答  2014-10-18
Part one
Exercise 2
Column A Column B
Exercise 3
1.right before 2.spring break 3.ski trip 4.about an hour

5.catch up on
6.wait a minute 7.anytime you want 8.read the end 9.go to the

cinema 10.care about
Exercise 4
1. You look refreshed after the spring break.
2. You guys have to go there some day.
3. Watching them is becoming very popular.
4. You can replay it as many times as you like.
5. Of course, you can rent DVDs. That’s even cheaper.
6. It costs much less to watch DVDs at home than go to the

7. I think it’s more relaxing to watch DVDs.
8. You don’t have to worry about bothering others.
9. Well, you have to get good DVDs.
10. That’s one of the reasons why people still go to the movies.
11. I think it is more romantic to go to the cinema.
12. That’s why many young couples like to go to the movies.
13. It is convenient for young couples to go on a date.
14. For one thing, I don’t have a girlfriend, and seeing couples

around makes me feel sad.
15. Sometimes they may talk loudly. And that really bothers me.
16. So you prefer to watch DVDs at home?
17. You don’t have too much choices when you go to the cinema.
18. Do you think that DVDs might take the place of movies in the

19. Oh, here’s a newspaper. You can find out more about it

20. Perhaps we could exchange our DVD movies.
Part two
Listening 1
Exercise 1 ACACCB
1. Who was NOT clever?
2. What did Pat ask Mike to do?
3. Who was hurt finally?
4. On whom was Mike going to try this joke?
5. Where did Mike put his hand when he asked Bob to hit him?
6. What happened to Mike after Bob struck a hard blow with his

Exercise 2 FTFFT
Listening 2
Exercise 1 TFFFFT
Exercise 2 BCCAD
1. What does the magician ask people to do in the first trick?
2. What happened to the coin?
3. How does the magician prove that he can communicate thoughts

to the audience in the second trick?
4. What is the first step to make the egg stand?
5. What else is needed to make the egg stand?
Part three
Practice one
Exercise 1
John Liz
Fantasy √
Mystery √ √
Comedy √
Musical √
Robert Redford √
Paul Newman √
Clint Eastwood √
Exercise 2
1.escape into 2.horror films 3.follow the detective

4.around these days
5.ring up
Practice two
Exercise 1 TFTT
Exercise 2 ACBD
Practice three
Exercise 1 BBCBAABC
1. How many guests are interviewed in the program?
2. How do sports affect the guests’ life according to the

3. What sports does Debbie enjoy most?
4. What will Debbie do if she saves up enough money?
5. What does Jonathan think of horse-riding?
6. What is required for canoeing?
7. What is troublesome about canoeing?
8. What can you get from canoeing?
Exercise 2 TFTFTTFF
Practice four
Exercise 1 DADCC
1. According to the passage, when may the game of football have

the first started?
2. What does the speaker say about the earliest football game in

3. How many team members were often involved in the game when

the English began to play the game?
4. Why was it NOT possible to have football matched between two

schools until 1850?
5. What happened to football in 1863?
Exercise 2 FTFTF
Part four
Section 1 ACCACB
1. Where does the dialog most probably take place?
2. How many classes are there everyday except Sunday?
3. At what time does the last class end?
4. How much is the entrance fee?
5. Which class will Cathy come for most probably?
6. What can we learn about Cathy from the dialog?
Section 2 CBDCBA
1. Where does the man want to spend the summer holiday?
2. What is considered important in planning vacation according

to the man?
3. What is confusing for the man to travel abroad?
4. What will help the woman in her work according to her?
5. What does the woman think of summer in Britain?
6. What can we learn about the man from the dialog?
Section 3
1. dinner; band; cake
2. house; drinks
3. invite; arrive; 50/fifty
4. drinks; new
Unit 2
Part one
Exercise 2 FFTFTT
Exercise 3
1. donations; individuals and organizations
2. dedicate; time and resources
3. loving and caring
4. keep coming
5. keep the best
6. feel better about
7. not necessarily
8. lovely surprise
9. truth; understanding
10. real key
Exercise 4
1. –So, how are things going at work these days?
-Can’t complain.
2. Actually we try to find foster parents for them.
3. I just wonder how God would respond to him.
4. I have an idea: Why don’t we find a foster family for Tom?
5. Imagine how he would feel reading the letter!
6. I believe how he would feel regarding the letter!
7. Giving Tom what he’s asked God for may not be the best idea.
8. But, maybe he’s too young to fully understand this.
9. No one has to pay a penny for his life before birth.
10. The same is true with beliefs and goals: You can have them from

me at any time.
Part two
Listening 1
Exercise 1
1.department store 2.attend college 3.difficult 4.physical

education 5.terrified
Exercise 2 FTTFT
Listening 2
Exercise 1
1.80/Eighty 2.Caps, sweaters and scarves 3.Her daughter-in-law

4.Because she is blind
5.19/Nineteen 6.In China 7.1/One 8.Toronto
Exercise 2
1.60/Sixty 2.making up 3.various parts of the world 4.a

printed slip 5.Never before
6.a personal letter 7.who is wearing the clothing 8.bless
Part three
Practice one
Exercise 1 CADCB
Questions :
1. Where did the story take place?
2. What did the two Dutchmen want to know from the two Belgians?
3. How did the Dutchmen feel about the Belgians’ behavior?
4. What did the Belgian do when asked if he had a ticket?
5. Who finally managed to travel free of charge?
Exercise 2
1.approaching 2.left 3.toilet 4.locked 5.Tickets

6.please 7.pushed 8.stamped
Part two
Exercise 1 CAD
Exercise 2 √ 2;4;5;6;8;9
Practice three
Exercise 1
Written language: 2,3,5,6
Spoken language: 1,4
Exercise 2
1.spoken language 2.sign language 3.representations

4.derived from
Practice four
Exercise 1
1.misunderstanding 2.lump 3.5/five 4.cancer 5.fine
Exercise 2 TFTTTF

Part four
Section 1 ADABC
1. Where did the story take place?
2. What happened to two of the frogs?
3. What did the other frogs say to the two frogs?
4. What happened to the two frogs?
5. What made one of the frogs ignore the other frogs’ advice?
Section 2
1.moods 2.regularly 3.meet 4.risks 5.hurt 6.satisfy

7.disappointed 8.should 9.unless 10.stuck
Section 3 FTFFTF
Unit 3
Part one
Exercise 2
1.react; perform 2.pick up
3.brains 4.society; way
Exercise 3
1.when it comes 2.get lost 3.seem true; more than 4.host;

active games
5.college education; well-paid 6.second-class citizens

7.leave; raise
8.feel guilty 9.are involved in; available 10.getting ready
Exercise 4
1. What’s your approach to getting a job here?
2. I’ve been busy all week, but I haven’t found anything yet.
3. You know, we talk about how liberated we are, but in fact I

think women are still discriminated against all the time.
4. According to the law, women have the same opportunities in

education and employment.
5. If you ask me, you’ve got the best of both worlds.
6. We’re given dolls, little cooking sets and fairy tales for

our birthdays – it is you boys who get computer games, little toy

cars and ball games.
7. In everyday life, it seems the sexes act, react and perform

8. There’s a big difference when it comes to relationships.
9. Boys are often taught to be tougher and not to cry.
10. There are still employers who feel that women really don’t追问

