

第1个回答  2024-03-27
My campus is like a beautiful big garden, where I thrive. The campus is full of infinite happiness, and every corner I like here is one of my favorite spots, including the botanical garden at the front door on the left, about 20 meters away. Upon entering the front entrance, you'll find the botanical garden resembles a large rectangle, with an uneven front shape, forming an esthetic appearance. The walkway on the right side is narrow and winding, with trees on both sides, resembling a group of sentries standing guard and emitting a rustling sound during rain. The plants on the left include banana trees, mango trees, pines, and more, with small clusters of bananas dangling like a little boy holding his mother's hand. Some bamboo trees are quite tall, reaching the third or fourth floor, resembling a competition to see who is the highest, with their leaves rustling in the wind, symbolizing the dewdrop's embrace. The lush greenery also features a square in the middle, home to a variety of fifth and sixth-grade siblings' vegetables and sweet potatoes, which they diligently tend to, their sweat an embodiment of their labor, creating an exquisite spring scene year-round. The botanical garden's perimeter is adorned with two greening trees, their leaves swaying in the wind, resembling a few birds perched on them, serenading. Every school day, students meander through the plant-lined paths, basking in the fragrance of the osmanthus, rose, and jasmine, while butterflies flit among the roses.
My family has a "garden" of sorts; you may find it hard to believe! Yet, with numerous plants in my house, it has become a "garden" of its own. Our botanical collection encompasses a dragon tree, adorned with red berries, alongside bean sprouts and a cactus, interspersed with witch hazel, Chinese flowering apple, and bracket plants. Mention of witch hazel, a name peculiar indeed, prompts one to ask: why the name if it neither blossoms nor fruits?...
Plants seem to intuitively know which way is up and which way is down; moreover, they discern right from left. If a cutting from a tree is kept alive, new shoots will emerge from the end that was once highest. There's no discernible difference between the top and bottom of the living stick, even under a microscope. However, when these cuttings are split lengthwise, scientists are often surprised to find that significantly more buds grow on the right-hand side of the split than on the left. This phenomenon occurs regardless of the split's orientation, suggesting a 60% preference for the right side,证实ing that growing plants predominantly favor "right-handedness."
My family's "garden" is quite rich! I encourage you to cultivate your own plants as well, for they not only purify the air but also absorb carbon dioxide!
Plants are essential living beings, and life could not sustain without them. This is because plants can produce food from air, water, and sunlight, while animals and humans cannot. Animals obtain their sustenance by consuming plants and other animals, while humans derive theirs from plants and animals. Therefore, animals and humans rely on plants for survival.
If you observe plants carefully, you'll note that they come in various forms. Some are large, while others are small, and the majority display a vibrant green hue. There are two primary types of plants: flowering and non-flowering. Flowering plants possess roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits, with nearly all trees around us belonging to this category. You might recognize them by their flowers or fruits. Non-flowering plants include conifers, mosses, liverworts, algae, and fungi, and though they are less prevalent, they do exist.
Most plants do not grow from seeds; instead, they propagate via spores. These spores are incredibly tiny and lightweight, capable of floating through the air. They can be likened to seeds, germinating when they land on moist and shaded areas, giving rise to new plants.
The winter holiday season is approaching, and my classmates are planning to go traveling and unwind, with 15 of them heading to large cities to explore museums and tourist attractions. Another 10 prefer to visit smaller cities to sample delicious local cuisine. The remaining 20 will venture to the countryside to breathe fresh air and revel in the splendor of nature.
Few Americans are content to stay put for their entire lives. They migrate from town to city or suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from one job in one region to a more promising opportunity elsewhere, and from the home where they raise their children to the one they plan to retire in. With each relocation, they continuously make new friends, who become an integral part of their lives at that juncture.
Generally speaking, plants are capable of manufacturing their own sustenance, utilizing substances from their environment through the process known as photosynthesis. They thrive when exposed to adequate sunlight, rainfall, and fertilizer. In contrast, all animals, including humans, secure their nourishment either directly from plants or indirectly by consuming animals that feed on plants or other animals.
Animals, thus, require a diverse array of food compared to plants. Plants are stationary, lacking the ability to move. Animals, however, can typically roam about. Consequently, plants appear to be less responsive to stimuli such as light, heat, physical contact, etc., although they do respond in certain ways to these stimuli. Plants predominantly display a consistent green color, whereas animals exhibit a wide variety of external appearances, ranging from every imaginable hue.
The autumn mist enriches the beauty of plants in the rain, as if they are adorned with sparkling, translucent, and transparent beads, how stunning! Plant life in the rain is exceedingly picturesque. A robust poplar tree stands tall in our home, with raindrops creating a "tick" sound above. The water is crystal clear, and when the wind blows, water droplets cascade to the ground, resembling a fairy casting magic spells with her wand. The poplar sways gracefully in the wind, its dress fluttering. Meanwhile, the CongDongQing beneath it remains unmoved, akin to a gentle and serene girl, adorned with shimmering, translucent water droplets, whose beauty is particularly striking. This is a type of natural elegance. Although the peach blossoms have fallen, the remaining petals cannot withstand the wind and rain. Even a single drop of rain falling is eager to float to the soft grass. Some unassuming florets of grass in the rain become more conspicuous under such beautiful bead ornaments, adding to the enchantment. That blooming flower in the grass, nurtured by rain and dew, offers an additional splash of color.
Beautiful plants each have their unique charms, and they thrive in the dense rain, akin to threads of elixir in autumn. "Rolling clouds pour smoke, dense rain akin to bulk silk" aptly describes the scenery in the rain!
Autumn rain, that the plants in the rain is that glistening and translucent and transparent beads decorated how beautiful ah! In the rain, plant life is incredibly beautiful. A large poplar tree stands outside our home, with raindrops creating a "tick" sound above. The water is crystal clear, and when the wind blows, water droplets fall to the ground, resembling a fairy casting magic spells with her wand. The poplar sways gracefully in the wind, its dress fluttering. Meanwhile, the CongDongQing beneath it remains unmoved, akin to a gentle and serene girl, adorned with shimmering, translucent water droplets, whose beauty is particularly striking. This is a type of natural elegance. Although the peach blossoms have fallen, the remaining petals cannot withstand the wind and rain. Even a single drop of rain falling is eager to float to the soft grass. Some unassuming florets of grass in the rain become more conspicuous under such beautiful bead ornaments, adding to the enchantment. That blooming flower in the grass, nurtured by rain and dew, offers an additional splash of color.
Beautiful plants are each uniquely beautiful, and they are thriving in the dense rain, akin to threads of elixir in autumn. "Rolling clouds pour smoke, dense rain akin to bulk silk" is a fitting summary of the scenery in the rain!