

第1个回答  2024-02-26
1. Java Rhino
The Java rhino, also known as the lesser one-horned rhino, is among the most precious creatures on Earth. It belongs to the Rhino family and is related to the Indian rhino. Once widespread across Asia, including southern China and the Central Plains (before the Han Dynasty), it inhabited lowland rainforests and mangrove swamps. Java rhinos have an average lifespan of 35 to 40 years, with some living up to over 50 years. Currently, only 35 Java rhinos are found in Indonesia's national parks.
2. Amur Leopard
The Amur leopard is a large feline species found in the northern boreal forests, second only to the Siberian tiger in size. It has a small head and a long tail, with short and strong limbs. Its fur is yellow with black rings, and the spots on its head are smaller and denser, while those on its back are larger and more closely spaced, forming a circular or elliptical pattern resembling ancient coins, earning it the nickname "leopard of money." The Amur leopard is critically endangered, with fewer than 100 individuals remaining, approximately 10 in China and 30 in Russia, distributed only in these two countries.
3. Golden-headed Monkey
The golden-headed monkey is found in Vietnam and currently has fewer than 70 individuals remaining, making it one of the world's most endangered animals. This primate species is in severe danger and requires protection.
4. South China Tiger
The South China tiger (also known as the Amoy tiger or South China tiger) is a unique subspecies of tiger found only in China. It has short and narrow stripes on its fur, larger stripes than the Bengal and Siberian tigers, and often exhibits rhombus patterns on its sides. As one of China's top ten endangered animals and a first-class protected species, the South China tiger is listed as极度濒危 (critically endangered) on the red list and is considered extinct in the wild.
5. Chinese Alligator
The Chinese alligator, also known as the鼍, is a species unique to China and one of the smallest crocodilian species in the world. It is both ancient and extremely rare, making it an endangered species. It is called "Chinese alligator" because it lives in the Yangtze River basin. Currently, there are only 130-150 wild Chinese alligators left, and their numbers are decreasing by 4-6% annually.
6. Asian Elephant
The Asian elephant is the largest land mammal in Asia, characterized by its 1-meter-long tusks. It is found in southern Yunnan Province near the border with Myanmar and Laos, where its numbers are very scarce and facing severe threats. The National Forestry and Grassland Administration launched the first national survey of terrestrial wildlife resources, revealing that there are only 180 Asian elephants left in China.
7. Serow
The serow is a species closely related to the Indian muntjac and shares similarities with the sika deer but is smaller in size and has fewer spots. It prefers to feed on young grass and tender branches and leaves and is a herbivorous animal. The serow is found in hilly grassland areas and is distributed in Southeast Asia and China's Hainan Island, classified as a national first-class protected animal. The serow population census shows that there are approximately 180 wild serows.
8. Sumatran Rhino
The Sumatran rhino is the only species of the double-horned rhino and is the smallest among living rhinos. It has a body length of 240-315 centimeters, a weight of 550-1100 kilograms, with an average weight of only 700 kilograms, and the largest individuals reaching 1100 kilograms. It has thick reddish-brown fur. Sumatran rhinos are solitary creatures and only come together for mating and raising young. They are the noisiest among rhinos. They are currently scattered in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo, living in rainforests, swamps, and cloud forests.
9. Cross River Gorilla
The Cross River gorilla is the most endangered subspecies of gorilla. It was once considered a separate species and later grouped with the Western gorilla but recent studies show that the Cross River gorilla is a subspecies of the Western gorilla. They are found only in the mountainous forests along the Nigeria-Cameroon border, at least 250 kilometers away from the nearest Western lowland gorillas.
10. Gulf of California Dolphin
The Gulf of California dolphin is the smallest member of the cetacean family, characterized by its stocky build. It has a prominent dorsal fin and a rounded head with no beak. It has dark eye rings around its eyes. The Gulf of California dolphin is shy and reticent, typically disappearing after a brief appearance unless they are entangled in fishing nets and brought to the surface. This species is unique to the northern Gulf of California and is estimated to number fewer than 300.