

第1个回答  2010-12-29
you originally appointed with your friend named wanghai to play ping-pong in shool's gym yestoday,


第2个回答  2010-12-29
Dear Wang Hai, I'm terribly sorry about my failing to come the school gym to play Pingpang yesterday. The reason is my classmate was suddenly sick that I had to send him to hospital. In a hurry, 还有
第3个回答  2011-01-10
I'm sorry that I missed the pingpong game yesterday. One of my classmate had a fever, I took him to the hospital, and I forgot my cell at home, so I couldn't call and notify you immediately.>>>>>>
第4个回答  2010-12-29
Wang agreed with the friends you had with the school gymnasium yesterday morning to play tennis, Wang agreed with the friends you had with the school gymnasium yesterday morning to play tennis, 装不下本回答被网友采纳