money英语作文 关于money英语作文


第1个回答  2022-10-17


What is money?someone says it is nothing while others say it is the most important thing in their life and without it they can’t live any longer.

It said:money is not everything ,but without it you can’t do any thing. In my opinion, it is right . but we should also hold a right attitude to it.

You must heard that story that a rich man want to find happyness, at last he found it in a poor man’s life. Sometimes we think that the rich persons are the happiest ones in the world.

However, it is not. The more money they have ,the more morose they feel. In fact, without money,we can have an interesting and exciting life aslo.

So having lots money or less money is not the important thing , the important thing is weather we are happy or not,is it that make our life full of wonderful thing.



Today more and more people wish to get more money. They think money is everything. They say, "Money makes the mare go." If they have a lot of money,their dreams will bee true, living a happy life, having a good house to live in, owing a famous car to drive and so on. In a word, they can do everything they like with, money. They can get whatever they want.

In a way, of course, money is really very important to us' all. Without money,we can do nothing and can't live on. But we must know that money can't bring us everything. With money, we can buy many things indeed, but we can't buy knowledge, precious time, true love and so on. These are the most precious things in the world. If a person has none of them, though he has a great deal of money, he is still poor. Not all people can bee rich. In order to get more money, some people even break the law, stealing, robbing, cheating or doing something wrong. At last they get punished and even sent to prison.

However, money can bring us not only happiness but also misery. If money doesn't bring people real happiness, it has no value itself. We must know clearly that money doesn't mean everything.





关于money 的英语作文,多多益善


Money plays an important role in our daily life. As it has bee a favorite subject of people, both the youth and the old, in other words, both man and woman. As the saying goes, money is the resource of happiness as well as the root of all evils. From my point of view, money can bring human beings countless advantages and at the same time, of course, countless disadvantages.

Actually, we never think lower of money’s value instead without money we are impossible to buy necessity for life such as food, clothes and so on. What’s more, we also need money to pay for our education. Generally speaking, more the money we have, better the life will be. Only if we have enough money, we are able to receive good education, to travel all around the world, to make large number of friends, to enrich our own experience and to take part in more social activities. As a result, we both help others and make ourselves lead a more colorful life. Just like that as you sow, so you will reap.

Unfortunately, money can also do harm to people. Usually, one will try hard to get more money by all means so long as he views money as the most important thing in his career. As a punishment, he will lose

friends’ and family members’ care as well as family warmth and of course he will never feel joyful of life. What is the worse, he may even do something against the law.

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Nobody says "No" to money! It's affirmative that everyone wants to earn money so as to maintain his/her livelihood. So to speak,one can not survive without money.For this reason,there's a critical proverb,saying:"Money doesn't mean anything but without which we can do nothing". In a word,it seems that money is more desirable than anything else.

Generally,there are o perspectives upon money.One takes money as the source of happiness,while the other considers it is the root of all evil.




However,personally speaking,what will money be depends on its owners.On one hand, one maybe satisfy himself/herself after donating his/her money to charity which makes money the source of happiness;On the other hand,if one's enormous greediness on money never ends,or he/she takes money more serious than his life,in this case,money will be the undoubted root of all evil.

Hereby,we youngsters should form positive habits of spending money to benifit from it and avoid its negative impacts!


英语作文 pocket money

Many children receives pocket money from their parents. Having pocket money gives children a chance to learn how to deal with money in the future, letting them know when to save and when to spend it. The amount of money that is given to children, may increase as they get older, since they will be more understanding towards where it es from, and how to appreciate it.

Personally I prefer saving my pocket money, so that I would be able to buy things I like that might be expensive, but others might chose to spend their everyday pocket money on lollies, stationery toys etc.At the same time we should know that the money we are spending is hours of hard work by our parents.

Not too much money should be given to children, as it will make them unappreciative of it. There might be an increase each year, such as having an amount of RMB 10 added each year to the child's monthly intake or weekly depending on the parent.

As a conclusion, I think that pocket money is a great way for children to learn about responsibility and appreciation.


chance= 机会



increase =增长

appreciation= 感激/感谢

conclusion= 结论

responsibility= 责任

expensive= 价格高


今天正好放假, 这是我自己写的, 一共190个单词,我在国外念初二

急求关于unexpected money 的英语作文,300字左右



an Experiment

There is no doubt that it was the most tiring summer holiday in my life. I got a part-time job in a *** all store. I packed goods, received money, gave back change, everyday, not exaggerate speaking, every minute, which drove me crazy. After standing in front of the counter, *** iling at the customers and doing the same work mechanically all day long, I felt dizzy. And my feet hurt terribly. I even didn’t feel like having a bath when I reached home. All I wanted to do was throwing myself in the bed at once, have a long long sleep without any dreams. Of course, it would be better if I didn’t have to work the next day.

Luckily, the hard time was over, and it was the very day to receive my just reward. I got up early as usual as the period I worked, but I went to bank with my bankbook instead of the store. It was the payday today. I put my bankbook into the machine to make sure whether I have my salary in my account.

It should be 1,000 yuan in it, I thought. After a series of noise cause by the machine, I took out my bankbook to read. All of sudden, I was shocked by what I saw.

1,000 followed by another three zeros, which meaned there was 1,000,000 yuan in my account!

I was too surprised to make a move. I had no ideas what to do. I felt I insulated from the world. Until a rude middle-aged man standing behind me shouted, “Hey, girl, quickly!” I hadn’t made the first correct decision. I went to the bank counter to check my account to see the exactly number of the money. Maybe there is something wrong with the machine, may be. I murmured. But the reply was 1,000,000 yuan still.

I maintained my equanimity and left the bank. No one could aware of my tension, I sweared, although my face seemed to be burned. I have to think about it. I said to myself. “You should tell the truth about it to the bank, you can’t own the money because it’s not yours.” A voice appeared in my mind. As soon as it finished a devil one turned up, “No, May, that’s such a big sum of unexpected money. 1,000,000 yuan, May, 1,000,000! You know what it means? It means you can live a very fortable life and do anything you want. No more boring studying and hard working in your life, you got that?”

It just liked I was facing the minute branch road. After one sleepless night thinking of it, I decided which way I should go. I quit university, drew money out of my account little by little in a month. And then I brought a luxurious house, lived like a queen in it. But the happy hours didn’t last long. Half of the money had been squandered. I didn’t want to wake up from this dream, the dream that the Heaven vouchsafed to me. I had an eye on the Chinese stock market. It should be another chance to get much money. So I decided to throw all my eggs in one basket.

The first investment ended with a great result that my 50,000 yuan doubled. And then the second, the third time also proved that I got the talent of choosing stock which brought me fortune. I knew he who risks nothing gains nothing, but I didn’t realize when I should leave the biggest gambling-den in the world.

I lost everything in the last gamble. Fortune had gone, extravagant life never came back.. I was even poorer than when I was a university student who had taken part-time job in a *** all store.

Tiredness filled my mind. It is he that a climb high falls heavily, isn’t it? I asked myself.

Now I climbed the top floor of the building of the city, staring at the blue sky which wouldn’t belong to me any more.

I stepped on the edge of top floor.

“Wait a minute! Wait, girl, you can’t do this!” A strange and familiar voice came into my ears with the wind howling through.

“Don’t do this! It’s just an experiment, just an experiment. You can have your life back, but don’t do this!”

I looked at the middle aged man in front of me up and down. He was the rude man I met in bank, recognized him finally.

“An experiment? ”

“Yes. I chose 50 different people, man or woman, the old or the young. I put 1,000,000 yuan in their account……”

A momentary silence. Time was frozen at that moment.

“An experiment…experiment. What a great research work! You are a rich sociologist, aren’t you?” There was a note of hysteria in my voice.

“Whatever you like to say. I apology for what I did. Easy, Ok? Give me your hand.” He threw his hand to me.

“Are you sure I can have my life back?”

“Yes, I promise. Everything gonna be all right. Give me your hand.” He got closer.

I stretched out my hand slowly, he held my hand carefully and tightly, then looked into my eyes.

“But I am not sure. Nothing gonna be all right, nothing.” I said to him with a knowing wink. I pulled his hand. We felled at very fast speed, like o stones.

A reverberation of a man’s scream broke the silence of the blue sky.

作文题:unexpected money

我写我是一个叫May的女生,暑假在一家小商店打工,发薪日去银行取工资,却意外发现存折多了1,000,000元,经过一番挣扎,我取走了钱,过著很奢华的生活。但很快我就挥霍了一半,于是我决定把余下的钱投资股市。开始赚了不少,最后却赔光了。我受不了 *** ,决定跳楼自杀。



英语作文《if i have money》

If I have a lot of money……

Different people have differeent dreams.For me, my dream is make a lot of money. If i have a lot of money,firstly, i will buy a big house for my parents, i love my parents, i hope they can have a very happy life. After that, i will give some money to the charity, may be give money to the Project Hope to help poor children , i will also give money to the sick person, i like to give my money to the old people's house, if they have enough money, they may lead a happier life.At last,when i retired, i am going to travel all over the world ,then i want to buy a lot of farm for myself, in my spare time ,i can plant some beautiful flowers.I am sure. one day, my dream will e true.




Kids begin to ask their parents for allowances when they go to school. Take me for example,I always ask my parents for allowances when I was a child.But it brings a poblem is that how parents give their childs allowances?


In my opinion,parents may divide their kids’allowancesinto o parts.One part is which kids could be got by doing housework.Through it ,kids will understand that no hard work ,no money.The other part ,rewards for kids’ good behaves ,such as getting upon time ,tidying their bedroomsthemselves,is favorable for them to form good living habits.



How to make use of allowance reasonably?There are many approaches.For example,parents may make a budget with kids.Generally,parents should not give money,which has the power of getting anything easily and conveniently,to kids casually.


Usually,these childs who born from the rich families always get a great amount of allowances,hundreds even thousands and their demands never be refused anytime. Spoiling kids like this will let them forming wrong idea of money.

一些短语:攀比气氛 拜金主义思想

childs are interested in paring anything,no matter they have or not,with their clas *** ates or find out whose is better.

money is foremost,money is all

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