

第1个回答  2022-10-23
China can bee a military power it?
1979, before the August 1, cut through the night sky shots in Nanchang, a burden of national armed forces of hope was born. Her departure from the Red Land after a long journey to create a new China. This step-by-step with a *** all Mega countless war scramble to create the myth of the army, are trying to scale the manding heights of the new military revolution, the modernization of the armed forces to move.
Of the figures from the horse, and the Chinese armed forces have experienced only half a century. In between life and death of the Korean Peninsula, China refers to the military by virtue of excellent health and will to fight, to create the horse to beat mechanized army of the miracle of the armed forces. But we also paid a huge sacrifice, the brutality of the war so that recognized and accepted by the Chinese military modernization.
Rapid development of information technology, followed the historical trend of our military are trying to force the construction of the tree of the word, the establishment of a number of pilot units of arms. China's military from the early 90's puter equipment, is now a unit of equipment to the mission and achieve a considerable level networking army forces. We believe that the climax of training in science and technology, our military will be increasingly digitized from close.
With the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation, and solely the will, and dauntless of sacrifice, I have every reason to believe that in the near future, China could bee a military power!