

第1个回答  2015-07-07
In October 2000, President Clinton $16 million approved to build a nationwide "underground railway" freedom center in American history, to commemorate the first great civil rights struggle. The railway is unusual, it doesn't sell tickets, nor the train running, it is a fugitive lines and reliable somebody else to liberation of South America as slaves secret network. In American slaves has not liberation, millions of black engaged in the high strength work, suffering from non-human life, but they LPNG longing for the free life. However, the railway is to provide them with the opportunity to become free. Of course, no matter the white or is religious freedom body in maintaining the black, the railway. They overcame many difficulties, and even risk their lives to help other black free. To escape the black, experienced difficulty road, finally reaching the have abolished slavery in Canada, started dreamed of, true free life.