英语翻译 用括号里面的词组翻译句子,在线急等谢谢了!

1.约翰通过辛勤工作还清了债务(pay of one`s debt) 2.女王破例让自己的孩子去普通学校就读(break the precedent) 3.我不知道为什么,但是我觉得他在说谎(have the sence) 4.要想健康的生活,吃得好并进行大量的锻炼是重要的(be essential to/for)
5.今年夏天雨特别多(quantities of) 6.这就等于让我把整个事件复述一遍(amount to) 7.牛奶含有大量人体需要的营养成分(an abundance of) 8.新的建筑物犹如雨后春笋般出现在这座城市里(spring up) 9.这桩婚姻注定要以失败告终(be doomed to)

第1个回答  2011-06-27
1.John finally pay off his debts though hard work.
2.The queen broke the precedent to let her child to go to common school.
3.I have the sence that he is lieing even thought I don't know why.
4.It is essential to eat well and have a lot of exercise if you want to live a healthy life.
5.There are quantities of rian this summer.
6.This amounts to I have told the thing again.
7.Milk contains an abundance of nutiitions that human dody needs.
8.New builddings spring up in this city.
9.this marriage is doomed to faily.
第2个回答  2011-06-27
1. John paid off his debt through hard work.
2. The queen broke the precedent to allow her own children to attend ordinary school .
3.I don't know why but I have the sense that he is lying.
4. To live a healthy life, it's essential to eat properly and take a lot of excercise.
5. There are quantities of rain in this summer.
6. It amounts to letting me retell the whole story.
7. Milk contains an abundance of nutritional ingredients our body needs
8. New buildings have sprung up in this city.
9. The marriage is doomed to fail.
第3个回答  2011-06-27
John paid off his debt through hard working.
The queen broke the precedent , allowing her child to receive education in ordinary school.
I don't know why but I have the sense that he is lying.
Healthy diet and a plenty of exercises are essential for the healthy life.
There are quantities of rain in the summer this year.
It amounts to making me repeat the whole event.
Milk contains an abundance of nutrition needed in human body.
New buildings sprang upin this city.
This marriage is doomed to be a dead end.
第4个回答  2011-06-27
John paid off his debts through hard work .
The queen break the precedent to let their children to ordinary schools.
I don't know why, but I have the sense that he was lying.
Eating well and doing a lot of exercise is essential to have a healthy life.
This summer there are quantities of rain.
This is amount to let me repeat the whole event .
Milk contains an abundance of nutrients needed by human.
The new buildings are springing up in the city .
The marriage is doomed to end in failure.本回答被提问者采纳