大学英语作文:如何选专业?How to Choose the Major?


第1个回答  2024-06-17
【篇一】如何选专业? How to Choose the Major?
When students complete their high school education, many of them proceed to college where they must select a major. Choosing a major is a significant decision for every college student, and this applies not only to Chinese students but to students worldwide. They often grapple with the question of whether their interests should take precedence over the future prospects of the major.
On one hand, most parents place a strong emphasis on the future prospects of the major. They may offer their own opinions when their children decide on a major, hoping for a secure and promising future for them. Therefore, they tend to consider the demand for talent in society.
On the other hand, students often desire to pursue a major aligned with their interests. This may conflict with their parents' views. For instance, a student interested in the arts might face opposition from parents concerned about job prospects. While everyone acknowledges that interest is a crucial factor, as it contributes to happiness, students must also consider other practical aspects.
When choosing a major, students should carefully consider their parents' perspectives. Many parents are understanding and will respect their children's wishes.
【篇二】关于借钱给人的问题 About Lending Money to Others
Lending money can be a delicate matter, potentially leading to strained friendships or even broken relationships. The challenges associated with lending money include the borrower's failure to return the money or delays in repayment.
Personally, I approach lending money to friends with caution. I evaluate their trustworthiness, especially those I've known for a long time and consider close friends. Since we have a deep understanding of each other, I have no doubt about their commitment to return the money. These are the true friends who share life's ups and downs and, thus, deserve trust.
For friends with whom I'm less familiar, I am more careful. If someone has a poor reputation, I tend to make excuses and avoid lending them money. In cases where I'm unsure about repayment, I might offer a smaller amount and communicate that it's not necessary to return the money. This approach preserves the friendship and prevents further requests.
Ultimately, everyone faces tough times and may require assistance, but it's essential to determine whether they are reliable before lending money, to avoid financial loss.
【篇三】网上购物还是传统购物? Shopping Online vs Traditional Shopping
The debate between online shopping and traditional shopping is ongoing, with individuals holding diverse views. Some argue that online shopping is incredibly convenient as it saves time and energy. It is particularly beneficial for those swamped with work. Moreover, the internet provides access to extensive information about desired products and the opportunity to purchase items not available locally.
However, I am not a fan of online shopping because many products purchased online are of questionable quality. If we fall victim to fraud, it can be challenging to seek redress. Therefore, caution is necessary when shopping online.
In my view, traditional shopping is preferable because it allows me to select what I truly need and to evaluate product quality more accurately. If there's an issue with the purchased items, I can hold sellers accountable for any losses.