

(一)As we all know款 (应用议论文居多/记叙文亦可)
1. There is no doubt that ...(句子)
2. There is no denying that...
3. No one can deny the fact that...(句子)
4. It is undeniable that..
5. Needless to say, (句子)(注意此句后面是逗号)
6. It goes without saying that...(句子)
7. It is common knowledge that...(句子)
8. It is widely accepted that.....(句子)
9. It is obvious that....(句子)
10. It is generally/commonly/believed that....(句子)
11. As is well-known to the public that...

题1. 毫无疑问水在日常生活不可或缺,但鲜少人意识到淡水正日益减少.
译文a. There is no denying that the role of water in is irreplaceable in our daily life , but few people are aware of the
sharp reduce of fresh water.
译文b. It goes without saying that the role of water cannot be replaced by any other thing in our daily life, but few
people are aware that the fresh water is reducing sharply.
译文c. Needless to say, water plays an important role in our daily life. However, few people realize that the fresh
water is reducing at an amazing speed.
译文d. It is undeniable that water is indispensable in our routine life. However, few people come to realize
that fresh water are declining dramatically.

批注:译文d, 出现很多超纲词indispensable, routine, decline, dramatically. 部分一二模,中考阅卷老师不一定
都能读懂,像dramatically “急剧地”, 有的老师只知drama,理解为“戏剧地”,极有可能反被批个“用词不当”

题2: 人们普遍认为,各种各样的电子产品给生活带来了乐趣,但是我不禁怀疑它们是利还是弊呢。
译文a. It is widely accepted that different kinds of electronic products bring a lot of fun to life, but I doubt whether
they do good or harm.
译文b. It is generally believed that a wide variety of electronic products bring a great deal of fun to life, but I doubt
whether they are beneficial to us or harmful.

(二)据....(往往是一件具体的事件 议论文)
1. It is said that... 据说...
2. It is reported that...据报道...
题. 据报道,从2015年中考将取消英语。(就我来看,这是不可能。)
译文. It is reported that English test will be canceled /won’t be included in senior high school entrance examination
from 2015. ( From my point of view, it is far from true)

(三) with...随着 (常用议论文)
1. With the rapid/fast increase/growth of (population) .. 随着(人口)的快速增长
2. With the rapid advance/development of (science and technology), ......随着(科技)的飞速发展/进步,...
3. With the great progress of ( science of technology), ... 随着(科技) 的巨大进步,
4. With the approaching/coming of ( senior high school entrance exam)

题: 随着电子书的盛行, 青少年的书写能力日益减弱。 、
译文a. With the wide spread of electronic books, teenagers’ writing ability is becoming weaker and weaker.
译文b. With the popularity of electronic books, teenagers’ writing ability is being weakened day by day/gradually.

(四) 具体话题/问题/(多见议论文)
1. Recently there is a heated discussion/topic about ....
2. According to a recent survey, ....
3. Currently, the issue/phenomenon/problem of (food health).has been brought to public attention.
4. The issue/problem/phenomenon of (food health) has arisen public attention/ comes to public attention.

题 1. 最近大家都在讨论学生有无必要上课外辅导班(tutorial class)
译文: Recently there is a heated discussion whether it is necessary for students to attend tutorial classes (or not)
题2. 随着校车事故的频繁,校车的安全性问题引起了公众的关注。
译文:With the increase of accidents of school buses ( related to school buses), the problem of their safety comes to
public attention.

1. As can be seen clearly from the graph/table/chart, ....(趋势描写/概括性描写)
2. As is shown in the graph/table/chart, ....(趋势描写/概括性描写)
3. It is clear/obvious/apparent from the table/chart that....
4. The figures/statistics in the chart/table shows/indicates that...
题: 以上图表显示,学生的睡眠时间严重不足。
译文a: As is shown in the chart above, students are seriously short of sleeping time.
译文b: It is clear/obvious from the table above that students seriously lack sleeping time.

1. The man, who is of few words/of average height, is my idol. (中间插入一定语从句)
2. Rita, mother of five kids, bears the heavy burden of life with her thin shoulders.(使用同位语)
3. Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than( Miss Wang).
4. Of all( the teachers) I have ever known/met, (Miss Wang) is the one I respect/love most.
5. Among various kinds of (sports), (football) is my fondest.
6. Throughout my life, the most unforgettable thing I’ve ever experienced is (a trip to Poland)
题1. Elena, 一个漂亮长发的年轻女孩,一下子引起我的注意。
译文a: Elena, (who was) a young lady with beautiful long hair, attracted me when I saw her.
译文b: Elena, a young lady with beautiful long hair, drew my attention the instant I saw her.
题2. 在我所看过的电影当中,Buried是最难忘的。
译文a: Of all the films I have ever seen, Buried is most unforgettable one.
题3. 在我一生中,最有意义的一次经历是暑期兼职。
译文:Throughout my life, the most meaningful thing I have ever done is to have a part-time job last summer.

批注:记叙文开头套用句型很少,一般开篇点人,点事. 如:
1. 题目 My favorite teacher(记人)
Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most important reason that I like her is that she is
very sincere
2. 题目 Honesty (记事)
When I was a little child, I was very naughty and eager to know how the things around me worked. I would do
something “bad” or surprising and often made others angry. But I will never forget what I did once and what had
been told then. One day ...

In my opinion...
As far as I am concerned ...
To my mind...
My opinion about ...is that...
I am of the opinion that...
译文:In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.