请帮忙写120个单词的My Happiness in Life

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第1个回答  2013-11-13
There are a lot of happiness in my life.Now please share with me.
I was born in a small village of Hebei province and became the youngest child of my parents.I have two brothers and two sisters.My parents doted me very much.My brothers and sisters took care of me.I grew up freely and happiely.
I left my hometown and went to college in Harbin University of Science and Technology.I enjoyed my rich and colorful college life.One of my classmates named Hog loved me at the first sight.But I had no sense to him at that time. However Hog still took care of me during the college time.For example,giving me an umbrella when it was raining,putting a testtube on my table in the chemistry experiment class…
After graduation,we worked in different cities.After two years,I dispointed in love. Hog stepped into my life again. I realised it was the most valuble and happiest to be loved for so long time. I began to accept his love. The more I knew him the more I loved him. In the same year we got married. Next year,My son was born. We named him Dingding. My mother-in-law came to live with us to take care of her grandson.We were very poor,no money,no house. But Dingding brang many pleasure to our life.
Now our life is getting better and better. We have our own apartment.and invested a room of a 5 stars hotel.Hog works in a factory. He is the general engineer. He works hard.He drives to work every day. Our son is 11, he is in primary school.The lovly boy is the sun of our family.
We are going to build a house in my husband hometown this year. We can spend holidays there.We can live there sometimes when we retire. That is a very beautiful village.It is near to Shijiu Lake.There is clear water,fresh air,fresh fruit and vegetable.We can see vast beautiful cole flower when Spring comes.
I’m very gratified to have so many happiness in my life.

“Being people-oriented” is the main point of school culture and paying attention to the needs of teachers and students has become a goal of the school administration. The school respects an individual’s personality, affirms a person’s work, believes in a person’s value, stimulates a person’s potential and provides teachers and students with a harmonious, pleasant and superior place to develop themselves. It regards students and their parents as educational consumers and integrates this new educational concept with high-quality educational service. Satisfying their ever-increasing educational demands is a long-term objective and is part of the school culture. The school has also created a new campus culture through its use of the environment. Art works including large-size wall carvings and fountain sculptures set off the art atmosphere of the campus culture. There are several squares including Flower Square, Seedling Square and Art Square that has mountain waterfalls. There are also other scenic spots including 3-tone Stone, an art gallery and an outdoor bar. Some of these places were built by and continue to be developed by students and teachers. All of these provide a pleasant environment in which students and teachers can emerge themselves and experience nature and culture.


The last victory over Iran obtained by Chinese Basketball team in the Asian game held in Guangzhou reminded me of my ever joyful moment in my life.
During the high school sports meeting,inspiring words could be heard everywhere around the field.The event I was participating in is relays which required five players for each team with the last start for me in my team.As I was the senior being about to take part in the college entrance examination,this is the last time for me to earn my class honoer,I didn't want to regret later in losing the prize.
I was waiting for my another partner as I was ready ,anxious seeing him running towards me with the stick in his hand.Once I took the stick,dashing forward with all my force,like an arrow up to the air.In my run,I realized another competitor approching me and several meters immediately behind me.Then I took a deep breath and caught my breath,mobilizing all my energy,even I felt as if my blood was boiling.The final line was getting closer and closer to me and I found I was never more fast than I was at the moment.With one of my foot over the white line,great excitement was flocking to my heart and if though the Godess of triumph was waving to me,though I was out of breath and exhausted in full.
I will ever never foget the wonderful moment,unforgetable and cheerful.
To happiness this thing,everyone has own conception of happiness, and different people hold different special understandings of happiness.
For a person who suffered from hunger and cold ,a glass of hot milk means a kind of strong happiness!
For a boy who deeply falls in love with a girl,the girl's sweet smile with a glance back at him can make him feel happy for a whole day!
But,for me,happiness is a very common thing,but at the same time,it is also very special.It seems like that happiness is easy to get,but almost a luxury.
All these are because of my special understanding and feeling of happiness and distinctive standard for it.And in my opinion, happiness depends on our attitudes to life.
It is of course a delight for me,When I meet a best friend again after a long separation!The short gather can make me feel happy for a long time!
When suddenly getting a call from a friend who is a thousand miles away,I will feel happy for the several cordial greetings in several minutes.
At night,when all people go to their dreams, the pure ,sweet and clean voice of The Voice of China comes from earphones of radio,and then I feel peaceful and happy!
On a cold winter day,happiness is just lying in the clean grassland and enjoying the warm sunshine carefreely and contently.
And this also means happiness when I was using the toilet and suddenly a thought flashed upon my mind at once and I got the answer to a problem which has already took me a lot time even a month!
It is a happy thing knowing about something new that I am interested in when I surf on the Internet.
All these,something sometimes is common,and sometimes something is hard to get!But all in all ,get what I want and I will be happy and in some degree,I can get happiness!And I think this is a truth!
This is all about happiness in my eyes!And I think it is so-called true happiness