

第1个回答  2013-03-17
翻译:I think this is the fate, it is the god makes us meet each other, let us become good friends.
第2个回答  2013-03-17
Well, maybe that is the fate, we so called, give a chance to you and me, to get the best of each other.也许是美剧看多了吧,我自己译的,比较倾向于这种话语式比较直接简练的英文。楼下的其实翻译的都对,我不太同意那个自称是翻译专业的人说的,其实其他人翻译的没有显得特别的中文化,再说翻译本来就是一种对语言雕饰的哲学,哪有所谓完美无缺的。LZ也许是想找到契合自己内心的句子,希望我的可以帮您参考一下。
第3个回答  2013-03-19
I think it must be the God's will, it must be the God to make us meet and make us good friends.

第4个回答  2013-03-17
I suppose we are fated to meet and become friends.
楼上翻译的太生硬 本人英语翻译专业 相信我
第5个回答  2013-03-17
I think this is fate, is god let us meet, let us become good friends
