求一篇英语作文 the woman of my dream,我的梦中情人,150字左右,写任何女明星都可以,谢谢了


第1个回答  2013-03-12
Since I was a little boy, I always dreamed of falling in love. I always desired to meet the girl of my dreams and one day, hopefully, to marry her. I never imagined she would appear in my life the day I least expected it. In the tenth grade, I used to go to the mall every day after school. I started meeting new people and eventually they became my friends. But it wasn’t until February 19th, 2006 that I saw something amazing. I was at the mall and I saw this beautiful young lady that filled my eyes with obsession. She had an appealing body; she had green eyes like an untouched rain forest; her face was astonishing, I could have taken her to participate in model competitions and she would have won. The first thought to knock on my head was “This girl has to be mine”.
Little did I know, the girl was attracted to me as well. That day I entered my room and locked the door. I started thinking about how this girl messed up my head so profusely. I did not know what happened to me. The next day I thought it would all be over. I was wrong. I kept thinking about how well formed she was and how bad I wanted to see her. At mid-day Tuesday, I convinced myself that I had to see her again.
So as soon as class ended I rapidly made my way towards the mall, hoping that I had the chance to see her at least one more time. The girl didn’t go to the mall that day. Lucky me, I knew one of her good friends. I told him all about my forbidden feelings for his friend. He said “She feels the same way about you”. I was so happy. I had never felt happier in my life.
It is until this day my parents don’t want me with her. I still miss her. It’s been two years since I last saw her. I act normal on the outside but that girl will never leave my heart. I’ve grown psychologically during these past two years. I love her still. I will never forget my first true love, the girl of my dreams.
第2个回答  2013-03-10
I am currently a 19 year old kid whose currently attending college. I was not expecting at all that my neighbor would be proposing to me. Shes a 31 year old lawyer that I have been dating for 2 years who has no kids and lives by herself in a suburban home right next to mine. I was so worried about the financial aspects of the whole situation but then she told me that she would take care of everything financially (housing, food, bills, payments, taxes) until I am out of college. I feel like she is spoiling me, so I agreed with her that I would work on the side while im attending college. While I was in the military for 18 months (national call of service) she still sent me letters and supported me throughout my time there. She also said she found me to be attractive, mature, and responsible but...I do not understand this at all.追问


第3个回答  2013-03-12
The woman of my dream is called Rebecca Black.She is from France.Rebecca Black made a big splash on the Internet with the release of her 2011 pop single “Friday.” The music video catapulted the then 13-year-old to celebrity status after the video went viral, receiving over 167 million views on YouTube.本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2013-03-19
My dream lover is Yang mi. She is very beautiful also very famous, I like her very much