求 英语两人对话 每人四到五句 简单最好

明天用 口语考试 难度一般的英语对话

第1个回答  2013-04-09
A: What did you do today?
B: I went shopping at the mall.
A: What did you buy?
B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not.
A: Why?
B: Well, they didn't have a dress my size.
A: I see. What did the dress look like?
B: It was black with white patterns on it. It was very pretty.
A: Maybe you should go to the mall again some other day. They might have stocked your size then.
B: Good idea. That's what I'll do.
第2个回答  2013-04-08
CAROL: Hello, Sam.
Come in.
TOM: Hi, Sam.
We're having lunch.
Do you want to have lunch with
SAM: No, thank you. Tom.
I've already had lunch.
I had at half past twelve.
CAROL: Have a cup of coffee then.
SAM: I've just had a cup, thank you.
I had one after my lunch.
TOM: Let's go into the living room,
We can have our coffee there.
CAROL: Excuse the mess, Sam.
This room's very untidy.
We're packing our suitcases.
We're going to leave tomorrow.
Tom and I are going to have a
SAM: Aren't you lucky!
TOM: When are you going to have
a holiday, Sam?
SAM: I don't know.
I've already had my holiday
this year.
CAROL: Where did you go?
SAM: I stayed at home!本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-09
Tracy:What's your dream as a little boy? 你小时候的梦想是什么?Jack:Being an astronaut and then live in the space. 成为一名宇航员,然后住在太空里。Tracy:Don't you think that would be boring? And you'd miss your family and friends who live on the earth. 你不觉得那会很无聊吗?而且你会思念住在地球上的亲友。Jack:Maybe that was true. But astronauts in the International Space Station can now communicate with people on the earth through internet and they can also browse the Web. 以前或许是这样。但现在国际太空站的宇航员现在可以通过网络跟他们的亲友交流,而且还能浏览网页。Tracy:Are there any computers in the International Space Station? 国际太空站有电脑吗?Jack:Well, there's an on-board laptop. 有一台笔记本电脑。Tracy:Oh, that must be fantastic to browse the Web in the space. 噢,在太空浏览网页感觉一定很不错。Jack:Yeah. And they sent a tweet directly from the heavens on Friday. 是啊。他们周五的时候还直接从天空发来了微博呢。Tracy:Is NASA worried the astronauts might spend too much time online? NASA担心宇航员们花太多时间上网吗?Jack:No. They must get their work done before they use the laptop. 不担心。他们必须先干完工作才能用电脑。
第4个回答  2013-04-08
A:Hi!How are you taday?
B:I'm fine !Thank you!What did you do last day?
A:I fell anhappy !I did homework a day!How about you?
B:I am happy ,I played comeputer. My god !! Where is my book?
A:I think you well die.

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第5个回答  2013-04-08
你们的课本上不是多着 呢么