
““水立方”位于北京奥林匹克公园内,它与一墙之隔的“鸟巢”一起被并称为北京奥运会两大标志性建筑物。2003年12月24日,国家游泳中心(水立方)与国家体育场(鸟巢)同时开工建设。 国家游泳中心公司总经理康伟说,这个湛蓝色的水分子建筑与东面的“鸟巢”,一圆一方,体现了中国“天圆地方”建筑理念。与主场馆“鸟巢”的设计相比,“水立方”体现了更多的女性般的柔美,一个阳刚,一个阴柔,形成鲜明对比,在视觉上极具冲击力。 2006年,美国著名科普杂志《大众科学》发布了“年度100项最佳科技成果”,“水立方”高票入选。 ”的翻译?

第1个回答  2008-05-16
““the water cube” located at Beijing Olympics park, it the bird nest” together and is called with the separation of one wall “the Beijing Olympic Games two big symbolic building. on December 24, 2003, national swimming center (water cube) and national stadium (bird nest) simultaneously operation construction. The country swam central company General Manager Kang Wei saying that this deep blue color's hydrone construction and the east side “the bird nest”, a circle side, has manifested China “the day round place” the construction idea. With main facility “bird nest” the design compares, “the water cube” has manifested the more females' gently beautifulness, positive just, outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, forms the sharp contrast, has the impulse extremely in the vision. in 2006, the American well-known popular science magazine "Popular science" has issued “the year 100 best scientific and technical payoffs”, “the water cube” high ticket being selected. ”
第2个回答  2008-05-16
Water Cube "is located in the Beijing Olympic Park, with Yiqiangzhige the" nest "together and were known as the Beijing Olympics two landmark buildings. December 24, 2003, the National Swimming Centre (Water Cube) and the State Stadium (the nest) also started construction. National Swimming Center general manager of the company KANG Wei said that the blue color of the water molecules building and the east of the "nest", a round one, it reflects the Chinese "Tianyuandefang" architectural concept. And the main arena, "nest" Compared to the design, "Water Cube" reflects the more female-like blend, a masculine, a Yinrou, in sharp contrast to the highly visual impact. 2006, a well-known U.S. Popular Science magazine "Popular Science" published "the 100 best scientific and technological achievements," and "Water Cube" the votes selected
第3个回答  2008-05-16