
还有,”次贷危机”的英文是”sub-prime mortgage market crisis”

第1个回答  2008-05-05
Recently, the United States Ciji Zhai crisis of global concern. In fact, in 2006 the second half of the U.S. market has emerged Ciji Zhai ominous sign, in April 2007 to gradually cause for concern, in August 2007 to upgrade to sweeping across the global capital markets "perfect storm." U.S. Ciji Zhai provider went bankrupt, the global hedge fund announced the dissolution of large area or stop the redemption, transnational investment banks and commercial banks generally issued profit warnings, while the main stock market index went down. As of August 31, 2007, the Central Bank has developed on the market into more than 550 billion U.S. dollars the mobility of capital, capital injection and the breadth of an unprecedented scale. U.S. Ciji Zhai crisis is the extent of how much of a difficult fashion, but its impact will be far-reaching. Ciji Zhai crisis of the ins and outs of the United States, contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the crisis and lessons learned. In this paper, mainly through the loan-to-crisis analysis of the process of China's economy and its impact on various fields, we can make some gain from the crisis of the Enlightenment.