

第1个回答  2013-08-05
Effects of World War II
WWII was unusual in that for the first time in modern history, civilians were killed in greater numbers than soldiers. This was despite WWII being the bloodiest 'soldiers' war in all history. It is estimated that about 30,000,000 soldiers died in the conflict from battle. However, over 50,000,000 civilians died. Civilians were deliberately targeted by the bombing raids conducted by the British against German targets, this being British government policy during the conflict. American bombers tried to be more 'accurate' and only attack targets of some military value - industries, military targets - but still caused many civilian deaths. German retaliation again Britain was by necessity scattered, killing perhaps 1/10th the number killed by British air crews.
Politically, World War 2 resulted in a weaker influence of Western Europe. Previously, Western Europe had shaped much of the way the world ran. After World War 2, though, when these nations were exhausted economically, militarily, etc. they began to BE shaped. The result was a bipolar equilibrium, that is, two superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union.
Militarily, new technologies, from much improved tanks and airplanes to the deadly atomic bomb, had been developed to make wars faster and more brutal. Other developments that pertained to daily life were nylon, various other synthetics and other practical inventions. World War 2 brought about many changes. Women were finally granted the right to participate in voting in France and Italy. Women were also much more exposed to the work force as most of the men were off into the war.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-08-05
Fewer than i% of Unites States citizens were killed or wounded in the war. By contrats, the Soviet Union lost more than 8% of its population. Also , the demand for war supplies pulled the American economy out of the Great Depression and made it more productive and prosperous.