求一篇英语作文450词左右 题目The importance of Good Manners 急求啊


第1个回答  2012-11-27
Good manners cost us nothing but can buy everything. They help us to win friends and also conquer our enemies. They tend to make the world a happier place to live in by reducing friction and avoiding tension. Practically in any mode of life, good manners helps us a lot, may be in business or service or education or any part of life. In business or service, one comes across lot of people or one may term it as lot of customers. In today's world, the world of internet, customer is the king. Speaking politely and keeping our commitment helps to bring in lot of customers. Good manners help a lot and more customers means more business.

Everyone likes a person who speaks and behaves politely and treat others respectfully. Such a person is always ready to understand other people and tries to be helpful to them. He forgets and forgives the wrongs others have done to him.

Hence it is very important to emphasize on good manners and it is to be cultivated right from childhood.
第2个回答  2012-11-27
Importance of Good Manners
The larger a population grows, it seems the worse manners become. That is too bad, because in a large, busy society, good manners become even more important. Common courtesies such as holding a door open for someone, saying "please" and "thank you," and allowing an elderly or disabled person to go to the head of the line all make the world a nicer place to live in. Good manners do not cost anything, and it takes little extra time to practice them.本回答被网友采纳