
After the flight in a plane loaned by President Dilma Rousseff, the cremated remains of the groundbreaking architect were to rest in the presidential palace, a deceptively simple building of glass and concrete that seems nearly weightless, an airy glass structure held aloft by vast, curving white pillars. After a vigil and public visitation, his ashes were scheduled to be returned to Rio for burial on Friday.

第1个回答  2012-12-14
After the flight in a plane loaned by President Dilma Rousseff, the cremated remains of the groundbreaking architect were to rest in the presidential palace, a deceptively simple building of glass and concrete that seems nearly weightless, an airy glass structure held aloft by vast, curving white pillars. After a vigil and public visitation, his ashes were scheduled to be returned to Rio for burial on Friday.
第2个回答  2012-12-12
第3个回答  2012-12-13