
COMPARISONS BETWEEN ADJOINING countries separated by politics or economics can be instructive. North Korea’s forests have been shrinking by around 2% a year for 20 years; South Korea’s are stable. Satellite pictures of the island of Hispaniola in the Antilles show that the western side (Haiti, with a GDP per person of $771 a year) is barren, whereas the eastern side (Dominican Republic, GDP per person $5,736) still has plenty of dense forest.
Economic growth is widely believed to damage species other than man. But as the contrasting fortunes of forests (a fair proxy for biodiversity) on the Korean peninsula and Hispaniola suggest, it is not so much growth as poverty that reduces biodiversity. Poverty without growth, combined with lots of people, is disastrous. Poverty combined with growth can be equally calamitous. But once people enjoy a certain level of prosperity, the benefits of growth to other species outweigh its disadvantages.
There appears to be an environmental version of the Kuznets curve, which describes the relationship between prosperity and inequality in an inverted U-shape. At the early stages of growth, inequality tends to rise; at the later stages it falls. Similarly, in the early stages of growth, biodiversity tends to suffer; in the later stages it benefits.

第1个回答  2016-01-03
我仍然记得我第一次见到我的好朋友的那天。她刚刚搬来和我成了邻居,同她一起住的奶奶把她带下来和我见面。我躲在妈妈身后,她也躲在她奶奶身后,我们都不敢看对方。不一会儿,我们就不再害羞,开始一起玩了,我们经常骑自行车互相串门,有时候还睡在一起。7年级的时候,我一度和她失去联系。她正在经历家庭风波,而我则把她归为冷酷一族。我新交的朋友们都不怎么喜欢她,因为她们知道她是问题女孩。然而,每到暑假,我们总会坐在一起看肥皂剧,一起吃立体脆(或者她妈妈买的其他垃圾食品),一起讨论我们感兴趣的男生。 直到去年我才发现了她的问题。我想我在努力学习高中课程的时候,却忽视了她也需要人陪。直到她交了新朋友,当然我也是。之后,我不知道为什么,她开始拿小刀划伤自己。 那天她被诊断为临床忧郁症,白天必须呆在医院里。起初我很难过,但好在我们晚上可以打电话,深夜还可以在我们两家之间的街上碰面。我们仍然保持着联系。当她新交的那些朋友开始疏远她,当人们都说她是疯子,我却想陪着她,因为我知道我仍然关心她,她就像是我的妹妹。 昨天她跑来对我说:“我从来不知道好朋友意味着什么,可你是唯一一个阻止我伤害自己的人,你是唯一一个让我感觉好受、并且让我面对问题的人。你并不知道,你打电话给我的那天晚上,我正打算自杀,那晚我痛哭不已。我欠你太多了,你甚至不知道你在帮助我。” 之后,我们两人都哭了。我想从我生活中得出的经验就是永远不要放弃你的朋友。即使他们不如其他人那么酷,或者人们认为他疯了,你的朋友仍需要有人陪。如果你疏远你的朋友,你也会迷失自己。所以,如果你的朋友需要你,你也在乎他们,就请你永远不要抛弃你的朋友。