

第1个回答  2013-04-14
以下供参考:Heather M.Hermanson.An Analysi s of the Demand for Report ing on Internal
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much—‘needed clarity and structure to the fluid topic of enterprise
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Balanced Scorecard Approach[J].The CPA Journal,2007,(7):20—25.Michael.The modern industrial revolution,exit,and the fai lure of internal
control systems[J].Jounal of Finance,2004,(11):110-112.Jack E.Kiger,Anna M.Rose.Internal Control Evaluation of a Restaurant[J].
Issues in Accounting Education,2006,(3):121—132.Mary B.Curtis,A.Faye Borthick.Evaluation of Internal Control from a Control
Objeceive Narrative[J].Journal of Information Systems,2005,(1):63—81.The Institute of Internal Auditors.UK and Ireland,Position Statement:Risk Based Internal Auditing,
London:IIAUK and Inland,2003.Jeffrey Doylea、Weili Geb and Sarah McVay.Determinants of weaknesses in
internal control over financial reporting. Journal of Accounting and
Economics. September 2007, pp193-223.Andrew J. Leone. Factors related to internal control disclosure: A
discussion of Ashbaugh, Collins, and Kinney (2007) and Doyle, Ge, and McVay
(2007). Journal of Accounting and Economics.2007, September: pp 224-237.
第2个回答  2013-04-14
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