英语作文 自我介绍~ 本人成年

求英语作文一篇 300词以上 本人男性 身高185 家洛阳 性格开朗 在天津上学 求有点水平的作文 复制 粘贴勿发~!!!!! 在线等答案

第1个回答  2013-08-20
Dear teacher, dear students:Hello, everybody!Today, the sacred flag, our business travel over 18 students in this assembly, held a solemn rite, this time, we feel extremely excited.18 years old, is the flower-like the good old days at the same time, it has also been given a sacred and solemn mission. Since then, we have entered a most important and most life times.Students, 18-year-old is a sign of maturity. Starting today we will be a new identity, new characters to life. Age is no longer pregnant spoiled vote, peace of mind the age of tears no longer, for the write poetry that no longer the age of Melancholy. Our future, more of a mature and responsible, we must brave and strong, we launched more life to the challenge, the community is more eager to send us a call. Fellow students, let us step by step, toward the future belongs to us! Thank you! 提供更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。 可以进行翻译的语言:阿尔巴尼亚语阿拉伯语阿塞拜疆语爱尔兰语爱沙尼亚语白俄罗斯语保加利亚语冰岛语波兰语波斯语布尔文(南非荷兰语)丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾语芬兰语格鲁吉亚语海地克里奥尔语韩语荷兰语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语克罗地亚语拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他语马来语马其顿语挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚语斯洛伐克语斯洛文尼亚语斯瓦希里语泰语土耳其语威尔士语乌克兰语西班牙的巴斯克语西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语亚美尼亚语意大利语意第绪语印地语印度乌尔都语印尼语英语越南语中文
第2个回答  2013-08-20
谷歌翻译 打上中文就翻译~~