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第1个回答  2013-09-07
Vladimir Putin dismissed suggestions that President Assad had used chemical weapons as utter nonsense and a provocation designed to drag other countries into the Syrian conflict. He called on President Obama to recall recent history: how many times had the United States initiated military conflicts in different parts of the world without success?
Today America's ambassador to Moscow met Russia's deputy foreign minister to try to argue Washington's case.

第2个回答  2013-09-07
Photo album

Keeping a family photograph album is a good way to save family memories for yourself and future generations of your family. Very old pictures can be taken to a photo shop and reprinted so that they can be placed in an album. Be sure to write on the back of the picture any information you remember about the people in it. Also, write the date if you remember it. Looking at photo albums is a relaxing way to spend the day and it is a fun activity to share with family and friends. Your children, grandchildren and their children will appreciate your efforts too.追问



